
View from the Waiting Room: Barrett would bring ‘adult leadership’ to health reform
View from the Waiting Room

Barrett would bring ‘adult leadership’ to health reform

The next governor will determine how health care reform unfolds in Wisconsin. The first of four interviews with the state's gubernatorial hopefuls on the subject.

Waters and Rangel: swamp drainage detritus
Waters and Rangel

swamp drainage detritus

Democrats may not have invented the circular firing squad, but you got to admit, they sure have perfected it.

Clarke v. Moews should be November ballot

Clarke v. Moews should be November ballot

Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke looks like a sure thing, but he has to face MPD Lt. Chris Moews in a race that pits the "Fox News Democrat" against a real Democrat.

Blind justice flies the rainbow flag

Blind justice flies the rainbow flag

George H.W. Bush appointee Chief Judge Vaughn Walker overturns Prop 8 under the crazy notion that the legality of marriage is not about values - it's about rights.

Lanterns for Peace

Lanterns for Peace

We set lanterns afloat in calm waters in remembrance and respect, and maybe as an apology for actions we were not even responsible for. Words and photos from Peace Action Wisconsin's Saturday event.

Religious freedom for all

Religious freedom for all

Muslims wish to worship within blocks of Ground Zero. This is what America is about; to say otherwise is an affront to our Constitution and democratic values.

Brother, can you spare a penny?

Brother, can you spare a penny?

Wisconsin schools are on life support and the "Pennies for Kids" sales tax campaign is simply a shot of penicillin to keep schools alive.

Barrett’s budget briefing: Not pretty for 2011
Barrett’s budget briefing

Not pretty for 2011

Budget season is here and Tom Barrett still has some ideas for Milwaukee: maintain safety, fix the sewers, pay off debt and hold the tax levy flat. It won't be easy.

Afghanistan, our own spa-spangled bog

Afghanistan, our own spa-spangled bog

To say the Afghan War Diary reveals a disparity between public position and ground-level reality is like pointing out the difference between yoga and bayonets.

No Flyers, route reductions and fare increases in future

No Flyers, route reductions and fare increases in future

The Milwaukee County Transit Service proposes all of these measures to stay within the 2011 county budget constraints and goal to not raise the tax levy.

LaHood to next governor – “This train will not be stopped”

LaHood to next governor – “This train will not be stopped”

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood brings $46. 5 million and a promise that Obama's high-speed vision to connect the nation by rail is a done deal for Wisconsin.

Blind, reckless or just plain mean?

Blind, reckless or just plain mean?

What is wrong with the GOP? They must see that reinforcing their stereotype as the Party Of The Rich is not a good idea. Or maybe not.