Reflections on the Sikh Temple tragedy
The unspeakable acts of hatred and violence that occurred last Sunday have been difficult to process, but beacons of hope have emerged from this dark hour.
Aug 10th, 2012 by Dan ShaferThe Milwaukee Olympics
Why Milwaukee isn't likely to ever to host the Olympics, and why it would have been nice if Chicago did.
Aug 9th, 2012 by Jeramey JanneneA Staggeringly Stumbling Trip
Mitt and Ann ventured forth on an international tour last month. Will Durst has all the highlights (and lowlights) of the trip.
Aug 8th, 2012 by Will DurstWill Herb Kohl Blackmail Milwaukee?
The Bucks need a new arena. Time to start threatening to move the team.
Aug 6th, 2012 by Bruce MurphyThe Presumptive Tax Dodger
Will Durst offers up a list of conjectures on possible skeletons buried in the Mitt Romney tax crypts.
Aug 1st, 2012 by Will DurstMonopoly Greed
We Energies grabs big profits and big executive pay while driving electric rates into the stratosphere.
Jul 31st, 2012 by Bruce MurphyThe Voter Suppression Game
Both parties are devising strategies to discourage voting. But Republicans are using government power.
Jul 25th, 2012 by Bruce MurphyThe Bain of his electorial existence
The closer we get to the 2012 presidential election, the more questions arise about Mitt, his employment history and the whereabouts of his tax returns.
Jul 25th, 2012 by Will DurstWhy Photo ID is Dead
The Republican law will never become legal, because of Wisconsin’s unique constitution
Jul 23rd, 2012 by Bruce MurphyThe Care Less Party
The GOP tried to set off some indoor fireworks in July by voting to repeal Obama Care. Problem is, they've already cast the same vote 32 other times.
Jul 18th, 2012 by Will DurstA voice leaves Madison
Rep. Tamara Grigsby battled "grave" illness and returned to Madison. She is stepping down at the end of her term, but her passion for social justice endures.
Jul 2nd, 2012 by Stephanie Beecher