
Underdogs for Congress

Underdogs for Congress

Only one congressional race is (barely) competitive in Wisconsin. The seven incumbents have a 14-1 advantage in campaign cash.

Walker Administration Lets Building and Safety Codes Slip

Walker Administration Lets Building and Safety Codes Slip

Critics say anti-regulatory bent means state hasn't addressed potential hazards and adapted cost-saving advances. First of a series.

The State of Politics: What Will “No Recall” Voters Do on Nov. 4?
The State of Politics

What Will “No Recall” Voters Do on Nov. 4?

They didn’t believe a governor should be recalled in mid-term. But will they vote to reelect Walker?

Data Wonk: What Explains the Democratic Economic Advantage?
Data Wonk

What Explains the Democratic Economic Advantage?

Possible explanations for why the economy and stock market perform better under Democratic presidents.



State comes clean on alleged soap dispenser scandal.

The State of Politics: More Women Run for Top Capitol Jobs
The State of Politics

More Women Run for Top Capitol Jobs

The number of women candidates running for state Capitol jobs is coming back.

Plenty of Horne: Absentee Ballot ID Requirement Could Backfire on Republicans
Plenty of Horne

Absentee Ballot ID Requirement Could Backfire on Republicans

Republican base of elderly, rural voters most affected.

Mike McCabe Blasts Both Parties

Mike McCabe Blasts Both Parties

“We have one party that is scary and another that is scared,” writes Mike McCabe, executive director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, in his new book.

Op-Ed: The Wisconsin Way?

The Wisconsin Way?

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin calls on Governor Walker to move health care reform forward.

The State of Politics: PSC Questions Cost of Cutting Emissions
The State of Politics

PSC Questions Cost of Cutting Emissions

Public Service Commissioner Nowak warns federal carbon-emission rule could cost $20 billion. But is the estimate accurate?

Cruel and Unusual: Lawmakers Demand Response to Allegations of Inmate Abuse
Cruel and Unusual

Lawmakers Demand Response to Allegations of Inmate Abuse

Milwaukee Democrats call on the Department of Corrections to respond to allegations of abuse at Waupun Correctional Institution.

Plenty of Horne: MIAD Apartments Changes Irk Bauman, Who Demands Fix
Plenty of Horne

MIAD Apartments Changes Irk Bauman, Who Demands Fix

A planned community gathering space instead becomes an underwhelming staircase.