Walker’s UW Cuts Get National Press
It’s probably helping his presidential run, but also raising questions about Walker as a person.
Feb 18th, 2015 by Bruce MurphyLobbyists Spent $57.5 Million on 2013-’14 Legislative Session
That's about $150,000 for each of the 380 bills that became law.
Feb 17th, 2015 by Bill LuedersThe County Board’s Anti-Environmental Boondoggle
Its Estabrook Dam decision will cost taxpayers millions and harm environment.
Feb 17th, 2015 by Bruce MurphyCapitol Clout Shifts to Republican Lawmakers
Given a governor distracted by his run for president, legislators are taking control of budget process.
Feb 16th, 2015 by Steven WaltersHow Could Walker Refuse Incredible Deal?
Kenosha casino would pay entire taxpayer bill for NBA arena and up to $275 million for any (unlikely) litigation costs. And Walker says no?
Feb 12th, 2015 by Bruce MurphyMilwaukeean Scores Top NYC Job
Phil Walzak, who ran campaigns for Kohl, Barrett and Abele, is now a high-paid aide and good buddy of New York Mayor de Blasio.
Feb 11th, 2015 by Michael HorneHow Good Are Charter Schools?
The data is very encouraging, so why are liberals so opposed?
Feb 11th, 2015 by Bruce ThompsonWhy Walker Had to Cut UW Funding
His presidential ambitions left him with no other option.
Feb 10th, 2015 by Bruce MurphyMilwaukee Streetcar Approved
After years of debate, streetcar will finally move forward. Final engineering will begin immediately, and construction by the end of the year.
Feb 10th, 2015 by Jeramey JanneneNo, It’s Not a Lifestyle
Being gay or transgender isn’t a choice, so it’s inaccurate and misleading to describe it as a “lifestyle.”
Feb 10th, 2015 by Denise CawleyIs Paul Ryan Becoming a Moderate?
Yet another “new” Ryan, this time ready to make bargains with Obama.
Feb 9th, 2015 by Bruce MurphyWalker’s Budget Borrows Big
$1.3 bonding for transportation means 23% of taxes for roads will pay interest on bonds by 2016.
Feb 9th, 2015 by Steven Walters