Gary Wilson

Recent Articles

Echo: Urban Leaders on Water Issues

Urban Leaders on Water Issues

Milwaukee’s Nadia Bogue, Detroit’s Justin Schott are quiet leaders in Great Lakes watershed.

Op-Ed: Why Waukesha Water Bid Should Be Okayed

Why Waukesha Water Bid Should Be Okayed

The proposal complies with the law, but environmentalists won’t give up their opposition.

Echo: Minnesota Stalls Waukesha’s Lake Michigan Plan

Minnesota Stalls Waukesha’s Lake Michigan Plan

And could undercut attempts to achieve cooperation on Great Lakes Issues.

Op-Ed: Compromise Is Possible on Waukesha Water

Compromise Is Possible on Waukesha Water

The solution is obvious, if environmentalists and Waukesha officials will compromise.

Op-Ed: Who’s Protecting the Great Lakes?

Who’s Protecting the Great Lakes?

Leaders like Jim Doyle did, but today's governors are less concerned about issues like algae and diverting water to Waukesha.

Changing Politics Could Hurt Great Lakes

Changing Politics Could Hurt Great Lakes

Regional Republican governors like Scott Walker are less interested in efforts to protect the lakes.