
Op Ed: Let’s Get Real About Immigration
Op Ed

Let’s Get Real About Immigration

We need immigrant workers. Will the two parties find a middle ground?

Urban Reads: Trump Infrastructure Plan Leaks
Urban Reads

Trump Infrastructure Plan Leaks

All the city news you can use.

Op Ed: Walker’s Speech Ignores the Environment
Op Ed

Walker’s Speech Ignores the Environment

Not one word or update about environment in State of the State speech. Why?

Back in the News: The Senator Who Cried Wolf
Back in the News

The Senator Who Cried Wolf

Ron Johnson backs off claim about FBI, refuses to provide evidence.

WI Budget: Impact of Earned Income Tax Credit
WI Budget

Impact of Earned Income Tax Credit

Helps working poor, with 386,000 state recipients getting $863 million federal credit for 2016.

Court Watch: Bill Could Expunge More Criminal Records
Court Watch

Bill Could Expunge More Criminal Records

Overrides state Supreme Court ruling, allows offenders to request this after completing sentences.

Op Ed: Kicking Us When We’re Down
Op Ed

Kicking Us When We’re Down

Requiring photo ID for FoodShare recipients will make it harder to get help.

Murphy’s Law: RoJo Is Now Trump’s Hit Man
Murphy’s Law

RoJo Is Now Trump’s Hit Man

Sen. Johnson assails FBI with no evidence, supporting Trump and Russia.

Campaign Cash: Landlords Win in the Assembly
Campaign Cash

Landlords Win in the Assembly

Bills makes evictions easier. Real estate industry gave $1.2 million to GOP legislators.

Eyes on Milwaukee: $750 Million to Replace Lead Pipes
Eyes on Milwaukee

$750 Million to Replace Lead Pipes

Solutions to city's lead laterals expensive and not simple, council members find.

Data Wonk: Has Tide Turned Against Republicans?
Data Wonk

Has Tide Turned Against Republicans?

Last week’s elections show GOP could be vulnerable to right kind of campaign.

Op Ed: How Golf Tees Kill Trees
Op Ed

How Golf Tees Kill Trees

What the DNR had to say about the new Kohler golf course.