
Op Ed: The Truth About Critical Race Theory
Op Ed

The Truth About Critical Race Theory

It’s fact based and rarely taught. So why such opposition?

Evers Offers GOP a Second Chance to Fund Schools

Evers Offers GOP a Second Chance to Fund Schools

Newly revised federal guidelines could take away pandemic aid to state unless education funding increased.

Evers Vetoes Bill to Help Paper Mills

Evers Vetoes Bill to Help Paper Mills

A 'gut punch,' Republican says. Using federal pandemic aid could be prohibited, Evers says.

Op Ed: Democrats Need Alternative to Evers
Op Ed

Democrats Need Alternative to Evers

His lack of imagination, lack of courage, lack of strategic thinking is just stunning.

Op Ed: Vos, LeMahieu Want Special Legal Treatment
Op Ed

Vos, LeMahieu Want Special Legal Treatment

Again asking state Supreme Court to let them skip lower courts to aid their gerrymandering.

Evers Tinkers With Tax Cut

Evers Tinkers With Tax Cut

Okays $2 billion state income tax cut but delays when it goes into effect.

Op Ed: Wisconsin Needs $15 Minimum Wage
Op Ed

Wisconsin Needs $15 Minimum Wage

Raising the minimum wage would create jobs and support working families.

Conservative Group Sues MPS

Conservative Group Sues MPS

WILL suing school district over policy allowing leave for union activities.

Evers Signs State Budget

Evers Signs State Budget

GOP backed tax cut and reduced school spending survive veto.

Data Wonk: Should Michael Gableman Investigate 2020 Election?
Data Wonk

Should Michael Gableman Investigate 2020 Election?

Vos picks ethically challenged former justice who's already declared election stolen.

Murphy’s Law: The Secrets of Mike Huebsch
Murphy’s Law

The Secrets of Mike Huebsch

He’s been a leader in evading and undermining Wisconsin's open records laws.

Local Officials Hail Opioid Settlement Funds

Local Officials Hail Opioid Settlement Funds

County executives Crowley, Farrow say resources will help fight opioid epidemic.