
Durst: Run, Newt, Run!

Run, Newt, Run!

Newt Gingrich will run for the presidency in 2012. For every analyst, pundit, and satirist everywhere, allow me to say: Hooray! Thank you, sir. May I have another?

Women respond to Gov. Walker’s budget proposals

Women respond to Gov. Walker’s budget proposals

Forty percent of Walker's budget cuts target programs that primarily serve women and children. Elected officials, working mothers and women's advocates weigh in.

Senator Herb Kohl to retire after current term

Senator Herb Kohl to retire after current term

"I will not seek another term as your senator, but in the next 19 months I will see that the people of the state are well served." Who will take his place?

Commentary: Making a Statement with Our Tractors

Making a Statement with Our Tractors

If Wisconsin's public-sector workers lose their collective bargaining rights, then dairy farmers will lose as well.

Walker’s expansion of school choice moves forward

Walker’s expansion of school choice moves forward

The Joint Finance Committee voted to lift enrollment limits and add new schools to the Milwaukee Parental School Choice program. Will it hurt or help education?

BREAKING: Legislative committee recommends cuts to WI Arts Board

Legislative committee recommends cuts to WI Arts Board

Joint Finance Committee makes smaller fiscal cuts but still moves Wisconsin Arts Board oversight to Tourism and reduces support

In Wisconsin, a recall of historic proportions

In Wisconsin, a recall of historic proportions

Since 1913, only 13 state office recalls have been successful nationwide. Will Wisconsin add another nine this summer?

And the recount begins

And the recount begins

If you're expecting to see images reminiscent of Florida 2000, you're out of luck. Just canvassers making piles for Prosser and Kloppenburg, no hanging chads in sight.

Durst: Hiccuping Volcanoes

Hiccuping Volcanoes

Gotta love The Right. They try to stick to the issues, but moral indignation gets the best of them. Never mind the deficit; the wages of sin must first be paid.

Chris Abele starts his year of change and problem solving

Chris Abele starts his year of change and problem solving

Abele tells residents that there are no individual municipal, county or organizational problems - there are only "all of us problems."

How will Voter ID affect future elections?

How will Voter ID affect future elections?

If Voter ID passes, Wisconsin would have some of the strictest voting laws in the country. State Democrats met with the community to sound off on the bill.

Kloppenburg requests a recount

Kloppenburg requests a recount

The Supreme Court race continues with a recount and demand for an independent investigation of the process in Waukesha County.