
Op Ed: Why Single Payer Health Care is Best Approach
Op Ed

Why Single Payer Health Care is Best Approach

More inclusive, more efficient, easier to understand — and cheaper long term.

Health Coverage Steady After Decline

Health Coverage Steady After Decline

State enrollment in Affordable Care Act steady this year after 13% drop in last year.

City Hall: Council Okays New Health Commissioner
City Hall

Council Okays New Health Commissioner

Unanimous vote hands Jeanette Kowalik one of the most difficult jobs in city government.

City Hall: Health Commissioner Pick Gets First Approval
City Hall

Health Commissioner Pick Gets First Approval

Kowalik wins unanimous vote from committee, interim commissioner reveals ongoing issues.

Make-A-Wish Seeks More Hispanic Kids

Make-A-Wish Seeks More Hispanic Kids

State chapter of national foundation giving children with serious disease their wish hires new Hispanic coordinator.

Pot Referendums on November Ballot

Pot Referendums on November Ballot

15 counties, two cities have referendums on legalizing medical or all marijuana use.

Data Wonk: The Case for Single Payer Care
Data Wonk

The Case for Single Payer Care

65% in this state get insurance at work. Would they support Medicare for All?

Op Ed: The Attack on Affordable Care
Op Ed

The Attack on Affordable Care

Walker, Schimel, Johnson would kill program; 2.4 million Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions could lose insurance.

Experts Question Schimel’s School Safety Grants

Experts Question Schimel’s School Safety Grants

Sending mental health professionals to training designed for security officers?

The State of Politics: Counties Struggle With Opioid Costs
The State of Politics

Counties Struggle With Opioid Costs

Ashland County asks voters for property tax hike to handle costs; referendum defeated.

Data Wonk: Why Republicans Lack Health Coverage
Data Wonk

Why Republicans Lack Health Coverage

Trump’s attack on Affordable Care Act mostly hurts Republicans, the data shows.

Op Ed: Study Shows Benefits of Medicaid Expansion
Op Ed

Study Shows Benefits of Medicaid Expansion

States that accepted money have more coverage and cheaper preventive care.