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Consider a Career as Mental Health Nurse

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How Tobacco Companies Target Minorities

How Tobacco Companies Target Minorities

UWM study shows stores in black and Latino neighborhoods target children.

Conference Spotlights Human Trafficking

Conference Spotlights Human Trafficking

Milwaukee a "hot spot," with more than 1000 arrests in three years. experts say.

Murphy’s Law: Was Barrett Asleep on Health Department?
Murphy’s Law

Was Barrett Asleep on Health Department?

Problems may go back a decade and mayor deserves much blame, some alderman say.

Wisconsin Budget: Obamacare Critics Offer Weak Alternatives
Wisconsin Budget

Obamacare Critics Offer Weak Alternatives

Bill supported by Gov. Walker won’t effectively cover pre-existing conditions.

Op Ed: Making Insurance Fake Again
Op Ed

Making Insurance Fake Again

Trump and Walker plans let health insurers end coverage of pre-existing conditions, sell junk policies.

State’s Child Care Programs Have Improved

State’s Child Care Programs Have Improved

Study of care for low-income families finds great improvement, though Milwaukee’s programs lagging.

“Remember Pedestrians Initiative” Launched

“Remember Pedestrians Initiative” Launched

To push for safe driving, MilWALKee Walks creating 12 memorials of pedestrian deaths.

Sponsored: Hidden in Plain Sight

Hidden in Plain Sight

24.4 million Americans may have Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Where to go for help.

Big Federal Cuts for State’s Health Care

Big Federal Cuts for State’s Health Care

Second straight year of cuts in Affordable Care Act for Wisconsin, other states.

Data Wonk: Making Wisconsin More Like Texas
Data Wonk

Making Wisconsin More Like Texas

Schimel and Walker support changes in Affordable Care Act most voters oppose. Why?

Op Ed: Health Care At Issue In Senate Campaign
Op Ed

Health Care At Issue In Senate Campaign

Vukmir would repeal Obamacare, leave many without health coverage.