
Republicans Back Bill on Pre-Existing Conditions

Republicans Back Bill on Pre-Existing Conditions

But Evers warns if protections weaker than Obamacare he will veto the legislation.

Murphy’s Law: How Aurora Makes Us Poorer
Murphy’s Law

How Aurora Makes Us Poorer

Health care giant’s market power drives up your medical costs as executives get richer.

Evers Wants Reversal on ACA Suit

Evers Wants Reversal on ACA Suit

Will ask Attorney General Kaul to change state’s stance, says this won’t violate lame duck law.

MPS Crisis Team Helps Students With Trauma

MPS Crisis Team Helps Students With Trauma

Group of school psychologists, social workers and counselors respond when student or teacher dies.

Many Wells Contaminated in SW Wisconsin

Many Wells Contaminated in SW Wisconsin

Survey finds almost half of private wells tested in the area are contaminated

State’s Smoking Rate Hits All-Time Low

State’s Smoking Rate Hits All-Time Low

But decline is slower for African Americans and low income consumers.

Have County Overdose Deaths Peaked?

Have County Overdose Deaths Peaked?

After five-fold rise from 2013 to 2017, Milwaukee's overdose deaths may decline in 2018.

Health Coverage Growth Stalled in 2017

Health Coverage Growth Stalled in 2017

Slowdown comes after three straight years of growth, state tied for 10th in percent covered.

GOP Senate Could Pass Medicaid Expansion?

GOP Senate Could Pass Medicaid Expansion?

Not “completely ruled out,” Fitzgerald says of Evers proposal to accept federal dollars for expansion.

Drug Task Force Seeks Community Input

Drug Task Force Seeks Community Input

City-County Heroin, Opioid and Cocaine Task Force seeks solutions to drug epidemic.

State Medicaid Fraud Program Overreaches?

State Medicaid Fraud Program Overreaches?

State claims millions saved, but some call it “bullying” of legitimate service providers.

Sponsored: Identifying and Treating Teen Substance Use

Identifying and Treating Teen Substance Use

50% of high school students report drug use. But problems often start much earlier.