
WI Daily: State Sees Record Percentage of Positive COVID-19 Tests
WI Daily

State Sees Record Percentage of Positive COVID-19 Tests

Testing continues to fall, but now positive cases are rising.

COVID Cases Rising at State’s Universities

COVID Cases Rising at State’s Universities

Up 6.1% at UW-Madison, up 6% at UW-Milwaukee.

WI Daily: 946 New COVID-19 Cases
WI Daily

946 New COVID-19 Cases

Cases are climbing while testing is falling.

WI Daily: Record COVID-19 Cases As a Result of Reporting Fix
WI Daily

Record COVID-19 Cases As a Result of Reporting Fix

Positive case rate, a measure of if enough testing is being done, continues to climb.

MKE County: COVID-19 Positivity Rate Higher in Children Than Adults
MKE County

COVID-19 Positivity Rate Higher in Children Than Adults

Parents sending COVID-19 positive children to school, obstructing disease investigations.

WI Daily: “We’re Not Doing Enough Tests” Says State Disease Expert
WI Daily

“We’re Not Doing Enough Tests” Says State Disease Expert

"I think it's very safe to say that we're not doing enough tests," says Dr. Ryan Westergaard.

WI Daily: COVID-19 Testing Continues to Fall
WI Daily

COVID-19 Testing Continues to Fall

But cases aren't falling as fast.

Data Wonk: How Republicans Embrace COVID-19
Data Wonk

How Republicans Embrace COVID-19

The data shows a strange alliance; how the GOP helps a deadly virus spread.

City Hall: City Expands Program To Fight Overdoses
City Hall

City Expands Program To Fight Overdoses

Housed in fire department, the MORI program aims to reduce drug addiction, overdoses.

Youth Agencies Learn Lessons From Pandemic

Youth Agencies Learn Lessons From Pandemic

'We had to think about how we engage youth differently,’ says a Boys & Girls Clubs leader.

UW System Begins In-Person Classes

UW System Begins In-Person Classes

As outbreaks drive other universities online, Thompson says UW has 'got to try’.

Making It Safer for Runners of Color

Making It Safer for Runners of Color

Milwaukee group Forget Everything And Run, or F.E.A.R., seeks to shift the narrative.