Data Wonk
Comparing Badger Economy to Border States
Wisconsin does both better and worse than neighboring states.
Jun 20th, 2018 by Bruce ThompsonSolving Murders in Milwaukee
Milwaukee’s arrest rate in murder cases outpaces that of most other large U.S. cities.
Jun 13th, 2018 by Bruce ThompsonThe Republican Love of Big Government
Are Republican states the most socialistic?
Jun 6th, 2018 by Bruce ThompsonWhat’s Wrong With Illinois?
Its economic problems stem from political gridlock over how to pay for its commitments.
May 30th, 2018 by Bruce ThompsonMore Ways Minnesota Beats Wisconsin
Less people leaving state, more getting health insurance in Minnesota.
May 23rd, 2018 by Bruce ThompsonYes, Minnesota Beats Wisconsin
But is its better economic performance due to more liberal policies?
May 16th, 2018 by Bruce ThompsonTrickle Up Economics
The Great Recession’s huge impact on employment shows why trickle down doesn’t work.
May 9th, 2018 by Bruce ThompsonIs California the Future?
The data about California may have political and economic lessons for Wisconsin.
May 2nd, 2018 by Bruce ThompsonWhy Is City’s Student Achievement So Low?
NAEP results show notable progress in Chicago, but discouraging results here.
Apr 25th, 2018 by Bruce ThompsonWhat Do Voters Want from Justices?
Screnock’s defeat suggests they want integrity, not a Supreme Court bought by special interests.
Apr 18th, 2018 by Bruce ThompsonVoters Want Checks and Balances
That’s the message on Supreme Court race, Treasurer referendum. Was message received?
Apr 11th, 2018 by Bruce ThompsonWalker’s Plan to Break the Law
And why Attorney General Schimel didn’t warn him it was folly.
Apr 4th, 2018 by Bruce Thompson