Milwaukee Blacksmith

518 E. Erie St.

Milwaukee Blacksmith is a business/organization located at 518 E. Erie St. .

Business Info

  • 518 E. Erie St.


Recent Press Releases Referencing Milwaukee Blacksmith


NEWaukee Hosts Final Night Market of 2019 This Wednesday

NEWaukee founded the Night Market in the summer of 2014 with the goal of creating a free, vibrant, safe, and interactive place in downtown Milwaukee for people to experience culture at night.

“Ruth M. Simos Great Room” Dedicated in Ceremony at Humboldt Park Pavilion

"Ruth Simos was a tireless advocate for Humboldt Park..."

NEWaukee Hosts Final Night Market of 2018 This Wednesday

Wednesday’s Night Market includes special performances from Danceworks, TRUE Skool, WC Tank and the Milwaukee Ballet.