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Transportation: Limited Funding Pushes Up Fares for New Paratransit Taxis

Limited Funding Pushes Up Fares for New Paratransit Taxis

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Transportation: Paratransit Taxis Could Return in September

Paratransit Taxis Could Return in September

MCTS officials believe they have found new taxi provider for persons with disabilities.

Transportation: County Paratransit Program in Crisis

County Paratransit Program in Crisis

As county switches from two providers to one, riders fall through the cracks.

Transportation: County Paratransit Taxi Service Ending?

County Paratransit Taxi Service Ending?

Two county agencies recommend ending door-to-door service for disabled. September 28 could be its last day.

Transportation: While Future Uncertain, County Extends Paratransit Taxi to September

While Future Uncertain, County Extends Paratransit Taxi to September

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Wine Bar Planned for Walker’s Point Plaza

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Related Press Releases

Milwaukee Taxi Owners Sue to Block New Law

Milwaukee Taxi Owners Sue to Block New Law

Independent taxi drivers and Institute for Justice attorneys promise vigorous defense

City will fight last-ditch effort by cab companies to preserve unfair monopoly

City will fight last-ditch effort by cab companies to preserve unfair monopoly

The City of Milwaukee will move forward with plans to issue 100 new taxi cab licenses, even as a group of current taxi owners and operators attempt to thwart the legislative process with a last-ditch federal lawsuit.

Going green is good news for workers and the environment

Going green is good news for workers and the environment

Statement from Alderman José G. Pérez September 25, 2013