Content referencing Mahud Villalaz

Acid Attack Suspect Out On Bail

Acid Attack Suspect Out On Bail

Victim's family, community are angered, saddened by his release.

Op Ed: State Doesn’t Need English Only Law
Op Ed

State Doesn’t Need English Only Law

Bill’s language is sweeping. Its purpose is to fan the flames of bigotry.

Acid Attack Makes Polonia Residents Uneasy

Acid Attack Makes Polonia Residents Uneasy

South-side neighborhood, now majority Hispanic, has made that transition with few conflicts.

Man Charged With Hate Crime In Acid Attack

Man Charged With Hate Crime In Acid Attack

Clifton Blackwell accused of attack on Hispanic man, case has gotten national attention.

Murphy’s Law: How Hispanics Have Saved Milwaukee
Murphy’s Law

How Hispanics Have Saved Milwaukee

Acid attack against man for “invasion” of Hispanics couldn’t be more wrong about their impact.

Rep. Zamarripa Statement on Racist Acid Attack
Press Release

Rep. Zamarripa Statement on Racist Acid Attack

“All our leaders should call out the horrifying racist ideology that has become a part of our political discourse. No one should be afraid of being attacked simply for being who they are.”

Hate Has No Home Here!
Press Release

Hate Has No Home Here!

"I am sickened by the idea that this happened in the neighborhood where I grew up, in a city that is so proud of its immigrant heritage."

Rep. Moore Statement on Acid Attack in Milwaukee
Press Release

Rep. Moore Statement on Acid Attack in Milwaukee

"I am sending my deepest sympathies to Mahud Villalaz and his family."