Tom Bailey is a former Milwaukee County Supervisor.

Content referencing Tom Bailey

Summerfest and Uline Warehouse Stage Lineup
Murphy’s Law: Will County Pass Another Pension Giveaway?
Murphy’s Law

Will County Pass Another Pension Giveaway?

Board members favor a “grandfather clause” protecting retirees with illegal payments that could cost taxpayers $10 million.

Murphy’s Law: The Invisible Man
Murphy’s Law

The Invisible Man

The chief opponent of the art museum’s $25 million repair plan has stood by while the War Memorial rotted away.

Plenty of Horne: Raclaw to Challenge Veteran in 14th Supervisory District
Plenty of Horne

Raclaw to Challenge Veteran in 14th Supervisory District

Supervisor Nyklewicz will face a rare challenge for his seat when Milwaukee Police detective Sebastian C. J. Raclaw announces his candidacy for the Milwaukee County Supervisor for the 14th District

The Roundup: Taxes Due on Site of Suspicious 2002 OIC Fire
The Roundup

Taxes Due on Site of Suspicious 2002 OIC Fire

On March 10, 2002, a five-alarm fire destroyed the plant of Opportunities Pallet Recycling and Manufacturing Co, Inc.

Murphy’s Law: Has the Teacher’s Union Taken Over the GOP?
Murphy’s Law

Has the Teacher’s Union Taken Over the GOP?

It was not long ago that the state teacher's union was the designated villain for Republicans.

Murphy’s Law: Which County Board Members Only Work Part-Time?
Murphy’s Law

Which County Board Members Only Work Part-Time?

It was 9 a.m. on a Friday morning in late October of last year when I began calling county supervisors for a story in Milwaukee Magazine.

Murphy’s Law: Is Ament’s Pension Deal Biased Against Blacks?
Murphy’s Law

Is Ament’s Pension Deal Biased Against Blacks?

In the wake of the pension controversy, County Executive F. Thomas Ament has attempted to woo the black community in hopes that strong support there might keep him in office.

Murphy’s Law: How Ament Prevented Any Research of the Pension Plan
Murphy’s Law

How Ament Prevented Any Research of the Pension Plan

Over and over the question has recurred: why would county supervisors, most of whom will not get the more lucrative pension payoff for veteran workers, approve this deal?

Murphy’s Law: What Karen Ordinans Really Thought About Ament’s Pension
Murphy’s Law

What Karen Ordinans Really Thought About Ament’s Pension

It’s been amusing to hear County Board chair Karen Ordinans declare her outrage about the county pension plan.

Murphy’s Law: How Tom Ament Gave Himself a Golden Parachute
Murphy’s Law

How Tom Ament Gave Himself a Golden Parachute

Observers have often described county government as an "old boy's club," where veteran politicos and long-term county employees get preferential treatment.