Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr.
Press Release

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Cues Up Race Politics

Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. responds to article published in today’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, ‘Lawmaker blames Tom Barrett for crime spilling into suburbs’

By - Jun 8th, 2016 04:28 pm

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, which has become nothing more than the propaganda machine of the Milwaukee Democrat Party and left-wing ideology, compromised its integrity yet again after Rep. Janel Brandtjen (R-Menomonee Falls) correctly and articulately called out City of Milwaukee’s political class for being ineffective in controlling violent crime that is now spreading into surrounding counties. Armed carjackers led Milwaukee police on a pursuit that ended up in Washington County last week.

Rep. Brandtjen performed an act of political courage, something rarely seen among Milwaukee’s electorate. The thought of armed criminals from Milwaukee possibly invading a suburban home made me thankful that the GOP-led legislature enacted Castle Doctrine several years ago, allowing homeowners to use deadly force to defend themselves and their families inside their homes.

Journal Sentinel writers Bill Glauber and Patrick Marley wasted no time in dialing up a response from Milwaukee’s one-trick-pony legislators, knowing they would do what they do best in responding to the truth about Milwaukee’s culturally dysfunctional underclass. Unable to respond with anything intelligent, area legislators played the race card. This was predictable and intentional and Marley and Glauber knew it.

State Rep. Mandela Barnes, whose empty slate biography precedes him, and who routinely plays the race card – blamed whitey, blamed Governor Scott Walker, and for good measure threw in the name of Donald Trump – all while calling suburban residents racist. State Senator Lena Taylor, not wanting to be outdone by Barnes, her primary opponent in August, also passed the buck in using the obviously Democrat focus-group-tested phrase, “dangerous rhetoric” in reference to Brandtjen, and said that Milwaukee’s inept political class was not to blame. The liberal strategy is that when you cannot articulate an intelligent response and you are losing an argument, throw down the race card in hopes that white conservatives will flee like their hair is on fire.

The truth is, the Milwaukee political class has no answers for the entrenched poverty that is now a lifestyle, the high unemployment where people can’t find meaningful work because Mayor Tom Barrett has poured all his political capital into a trolley that runs in a small circle instead of attracting business that can employ people. Nor does the mayor have the intestinal fortitude to fix his miserably failing Milwaukee Public Schools system, or hire more police to give Milwaukee residents a decent quality of life, so a nine-year-old girl, Za’layia Jenkins, could safely watch TV from inside her home without bullets tearing into the walls from a gun fight outside.

All of this has Milwaukee circling the drain. Help me here, but I don’t see how any of these pathologies have been caused by whitey, Governor Walker, or GOP legislators as Barnes and Taylor suggest. Like crack addicts, they are constantly asking for more money to fuel their habit. What Milwaukee needs is less money and a real plan from those responsible for this urban decay.

What Milwaukee needs is no more, as in no more state aid, no more rallies, no more marches, summits or task forces. Milwaukee needs to end these crazy social-engineering, criminal justice experiments and stop being stupid about crime and get tough on crime. You start by reducing the size of Milwaukee’s culturally dysfunctional underclass and you’ll see lower crime rates.

I applaud Rep. Janel Brandtjen for her courage and for standing up for her constituents who are not happy with the stain of Milwaukee crime and violence bleeding into their community. She need not fear the race card. It is impotent. I stand with her and implore Assembly Speaker Rep. Robin Vos, Senate President Scott Fitzgerald and Governor Walker to join her in forcing the behavior change that is needed with Milwaukee’s one-trick pony, race-baiting, hustling political class by telling them: NO MORE MONEY.

By the way, I thought ShotSpotter technology was supposed to be the magic pill to solve Milwaukee’s violence. State taxpayers paid for that too.

I believe this is your card! Image from Sheriff David Clarke press release.

I believe this is your card! Image from Sheriff David Clarke press release.

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

Recent Press Releases by Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr.

Resignation Letter

As of Aug. 31, 2017, at 11:59 p.m.

Officer-Involved Lakefront Shooting

Waukesha County Sheriff’s Department is conducting the investigation.

Sheriff Detains Man for Arrest on Flight

Clarke intervened midway through the flight when a man became intoxicated, loud and profane and began harassing flight crew and passengers.


  1. Vincent Hanna says:

    Blames people for playing the race card while shamelessly blaming the mayor for the death of a girl. He is something else.

  2. WashCoRepub says:

    Clear, forceful, and articulately stated. Bravo, Sheriff Clarke.

    Milwaukee is the victim of men like DA John Chisholm and their rapidly-failing social ‘experiments,’ run on an unwitting and vulnerable populace. They retire with rich pensions and can move far away from the results their toxic little Petri dishes have created.

  3. Matthew says:

    “You start by reducing the size of Milwaukee’s culturally dysfunctional underclass and you’ll see lower crime rates.”

    Wow. Clarke is critical of anyone playing the “race card,” but do you call that?

  4. Vincent Hanna says:

    Far away like to Washington County? What social experiment is the DA running? Where do you get this stuff all the way out in Wash Co? Talk radio?

    Again, how is it OK for Clarke to decry others for allegedly playing “the race card” while he claims the mayor is responsible for the shooting death of a child? Please explain that. Articulately.

  5. Homer Jay says:

    If you made a drinking game out of the regurgitated right wing talking points, you’d have cirrhosis of the liver.

  6. Milwaukee Native says:

    “You start by reducing the size of Milwaukee’s culturally dysfunctional underclass and you’ll see lower crime rates.”

    Sheriff Clarke: How do you proposed reducing the size of this underclass. By forcibly moving them to other places, such as Ms.Brandtjen’s district?

    If Rep. Vos and others vote for NO MORE MONEY, what will that do to your bloated budget?

  7. A Bus Driver says:

    You want to know the answers to the problem read “America’s Original Sin” by Jim Wallis

  8. A Milwaukeean says:

    Racism either way is bad. I would like to hear cures for the cause, not reactions to the symptons. Besides, if the bad people leave Milwaukee where will they go? Menomonee Falls, Waukesha, Germantown, oh my God, maybe even Cedarburg. Sole the problem, don’t treat the symptoms…

  9. Edward Susterich says:

    If the sheriff spent a little less time on talk-radio and self-promotion, he might be able to work on providing solutions to the many issues of the community. Action, not just blustering talk and verbal jabbering, is needed from this “leader”. Clarke’s frivolous law suits have been costly to the taxpayers– one law suit ends, but is followed by another– his egotistical frenzy never ends!

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