Content referencing Kathleen Falk

Sara Geenen Campaign Announces More Than 50 Endorsements From Judges & Elected Officials
Campaign Cash: Service Employees Union Spends Big
Campaign Cash

Service Employees Union Spends Big

Since 2010, SEIU has spent more than $2.3 million on Democratic candidates in state.

Campaign Cash: State Teachers’ Union Still Has Clout
Campaign Cash

State Teachers’ Union Still Has Clout

Its membership more than cut in half, but still one of biggest donors to Democratic candidates.

Campaign Cash: SEIU Biggest Labor Union Campaign Donor
Campaign Cash

SEIU Biggest Labor Union Campaign Donor

Public-private employees union spent $718,700 on Evers, $131,140 on Neubauer.

DNR Secretary Cole makes first appointments to leadership team
Press Release

DNR Secretary Cole makes first appointments to leadership team

Cole said he would announce additional appointments as they are made.

Tony Evers Launches Conservationists for Tony
Press Release

Tony Evers Launches Conservationists for Tony

"I’m excited and honored to be endorsed by bipartisan conservation leaders from across Wisconsin who understand how important protecting our natural resources is to our future."

Those Who Know The Office Best Support Josh Kaul: 61 Former Assistant Attorneys General Endorse Josh Kaul for Attorney General
Press Release

Those Who Know The Office Best Support Josh Kaul: 61 Former Assistant Attorneys General Endorse Josh Kaul for Attorney General

“It means a great deal to have the support of people who have advocated for the interests of Wisconsinites.”

The Contrarian: Dallet Blows Off Burns’ Backing
The Contrarian

Dallet Blows Off Burns’ Backing

High court candidate prefers not to be identified with left wing loser Tim Burns?

Dallet for Justice Earns New Endorsements from Across Wisconsin
Press Release

Dallet for Justice Earns New Endorsements from Across Wisconsin

"The endorsement of these Wisconsin leaders gives this campaign the momentum to win on April 3rd."

The State of Politics: Will Democrats Set Record for Governor Race?
The State of Politics

Will Democrats Set Record for Governor Race?

A record 16 candidates have registered, making predictions difficult.

Kathleen Falk Endorses Tim Burns for the Wisconsin Supreme Court
Press Release

Kathleen Falk Endorses Tim Burns for the Wisconsin Supreme Court

The non-partisan election will be held in the spring of 2018.

Former federal prosecutor Josh Kaul raises over $170,000
Press Release

Former federal prosecutor Josh Kaul raises over $170,000

Announces endorsements from Pocan, Moore, and others from across Wisconsin

The State Of Politics: What Did Primary Mean for Wisconsin
The State Of Politics

What Did Primary Mean for Wisconsin

Will Walker be Cruz’s choice for running mate? And why can’t Hillary win here?

Under the Influence: Wisconsin Is National Leader on Drunken Driving Test
Under the Influence

Wisconsin Is National Leader on Drunken Driving Test

First state to use European test that detects heavy drinking going back months, helping target those who need treatment intervention.

Under the Influence: No Treatment For Many Drunken Drivers
Under the Influence

No Treatment For Many Drunken Drivers

Some avoid court-ordered assessment, others receive inadequate treatment, experts say.

Milwaukee County Residents Encouraged to Sign Up for Affordable Health Care
Press Release

Milwaukee County Residents Encouraged to Sign Up for Affordable Health Care

Elected officials, others to highlight new health care options coming Oct. 1

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Could Decide Race
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Could Decide Race

Without a high county turnout, Tom Barrett is toast.

Doyle’s Decision Could Send Ripples Through Milwaukee’s Political Landscape

Doyle’s Decision Could Send Ripples Through Milwaukee’s Political Landscape

Governor Doyle's announcement that he will not be seeking a third term could send ripples through Milwaukee's political landscape. The most commonly mentioned named Democratic Party members that may run for Governor include, U.S. Rep. Ron Kind, State Sen. Jon Erpenbach, Lt. Gov. Barbara Lawton, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, and Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk.

The Roundup: Jeff Stone Punk’d?
The Roundup

Jeff Stone Punk’d?

Seems like somebody is messing around with Rep. Jeff Stone's campaign identity.

The Roundup: ABC and the Gay Governor
The Roundup

ABC and the Gay Governor

The catch, is that McGreevey announced he was gay, while the lover says he, himself, is straight.

The Roundup: My Campaign Blog
The Roundup

My Campaign Blog

Two hundred fifty bucks or a free press pass?

Murphy’s Law: Can Falk And Thompson Play Spoilers in the Governor’s Race?
Murphy’s Law

Can Falk And Thompson Play Spoilers in the Governor’s Race?

I'm hard pressed to think of a more interesting state race than the upcoming campaign for governor.

Murphy’s Law: How Mayor Norquist’s Salary Cut Lowers Property Taxes
Murphy’s Law

How Mayor Norquist’s Salary Cut Lowers Property Taxes

John Norquist styles himself as a budget cutter, but few are aware of how personally he has taken that mission.

Murphy’s Law: Where Have You Gone, Ken Lamke?
Murphy’s Law

Where Have You Gone, Ken Lamke?

Ken Lamke still has vivid memories of the atmosphere in the old Milwaukee Sentinel newsroom.

Murphy’s Law: Ameritech Catches Political Fire From Competitors
Murphy’s Law

Ameritech Catches Political Fire From Competitors

Open up this month's Ameritech bill and you may find a surprise.

Murphy’s Law: Superintendent Burmaster Slaps The Governor Around
Murphy’s Law

Superintendent Burmaster Slaps The Governor Around

My, how times have changed.

Murphy’s Law: Will Taxes Be the Key Issue in the Governor’s Race?
Murphy’s Law

Will Taxes Be the Key Issue in the Governor’s Race?

In the wake of the tragedy in New York and Washington, the Democratic candidates for governor have slowed down their campaigning, but they have been strategizing as to what the major issues will be in next fall's election.