
Statement on the Violence in Charlottesville

Statement on the Violence in Charlottesville

"Democrats across Wisconsin will continue to build bridges, not walls."

Trump Administration Playing Politics with Teen Lives

Trump Administration Playing Politics with Teen Lives

Federal Agency Reneges on Teen Pregnancy Prevention Grants Already Awarded

Dana Wachs Announces Opposition to Foxconn Package
Statement from Rep. Barca Regarding Republican Amendment to Foxconn Bill

Statement from Rep. Barca Regarding Republican Amendment to Foxconn Bill

"It’s clear that Republicans are trying to rush through the process to avoid as much scrutiny as possible."

Governor Walker Appoints Jeff Lyon to Lead DATCP as Interim Secretary
Statement: Amendment to Special Session Assembly Bill 1

Amendment to Special Session Assembly Bill 1

Which pertains to the $10 billion Foxconn development in southeastern Wisconsin.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Announces New Legislation to Boost Apprenticeships

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Announces New Legislation to Boost Apprenticeships

At Mid-State Technical College, Senator Baldwin unveiled the PARTNERS Act to invest in public-private partnerships for apprenticeships

Stop outsourcing before expanding tax breaks

Stop outsourcing before expanding tax breaks

Accountability lacking at Walker agency overseeing Foxconn deal

Will Party Loyalty Trump Common Sense for Gov. Walker and Attorney General Brad Schimel on Opioid Addiction Crisis?
Wasserman to Propose Pay Caps Tied to County Exec’s Salary

Wasserman to Propose Pay Caps Tied to County Exec’s Salary

The issue of setting salaries and awarding raises was the subject of a recent lawsuit between the County Board and the County Executive.

Governor Walker Announces $840,000 Coastal Resilience Grant for Lake Michigan Communities

Governor Walker Announces $840,000 Coastal Resilience Grant for Lake Michigan Communities

The new project will support efforts to map shoreline recession to improve hazard planning and provide guidance on options to protect coastal property.

Foxconn Deal Flounders in State Legislature

Foxconn Deal Flounders in State Legislature

Delays in State Assembly and Questions About Votes in State Senate Follow Independent Analysis Revealing Deal’s Costs for Wisconsin Taxpayers