
Gov. Evers Signs Executive Order Executive Order #15 Relating to Inclusive Language in Administrative Rules
Stop Pitting us Against One Another

Stop Pitting us Against One Another

"Wisconsin Republicans are known for twisting the facts to incite outrage and today’s attack on immigrants is no different."

Rep. Zamarripa Statement on Misleading GOP Attacks

Rep. Zamarripa Statement on Misleading GOP Attacks

"Republicans are hoping that xenophobic attacks will obscure the facts, but Wisconsin is better than that."

Gov. Evers Moves Forward on Plans to Close Lincoln Hills

Gov. Evers Moves Forward on Plans to Close Lincoln Hills

"We are committed to getting kids out of Lincoln Hills and closer to home as soon as we safely and responsibly can."

Brian Hagedorn Supports Court Action That Would Criminalize Abortion in Wisconsin

Brian Hagedorn Supports Court Action That Would Criminalize Abortion in Wisconsin

‘Views Are Not Just Extreme, They Are Dangerous to Women’s Health’

Advocacy Community, Legislators Applaud Healthy Women, Healthy Babies Budget Proposal

Advocacy Community, Legislators Applaud Healthy Women, Healthy Babies Budget Proposal

"We join with our women’s health partners to applaud the Healthy Women, Healthy Babies state budget initiative."

Evers’ Budget Puts Illegal Immigrants Ahead of Veterans

Evers’ Budget Puts Illegal Immigrants Ahead of Veterans

"The governor has decided that those who are violating federal law should get a better deal than Wisconsin’s heroes."

Neubauer Believes Outside Cash is “Toxic”…Unless it Benefits Her Campaign

Neubauer Believes Outside Cash is “Toxic”…Unless it Benefits Her Campaign

More than 750,000 reasons why she's flip-flopping on outside money

AG Kaul Ends Use of “Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Acknowledgement” Form at DOJ

AG Kaul Ends Use of “Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Acknowledgement” Form at DOJ

"With today’s announcement, we are re-affirming the importance of transparency in government."

Pocan Releases Response from Immigration and Customs Enforcement Regarding FOIA Request on Wisconsin Raids

Pocan Releases Response from Immigration and Customs Enforcement Regarding FOIA Request on Wisconsin Raids

Request went unanswered for 138 days as ICE asked for numerous extensions and stonewalled, leading Pocan to make two unannounced visits to the agency

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Urges Inclusion of Contractor Back Pay in Upcoming Disaster Package

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Urges Inclusion of Contractor Back Pay in Upcoming Disaster Package

“Contractor workers and their families should not be penalized for a government shutdown that they did nothing to cause.”

MacIver Celebrates Sunshine Week, Calls On Gov. Evers To Carry On Tradition Set By Walker

MacIver Celebrates Sunshine Week, Calls On Gov. Evers To Carry On Tradition Set By Walker

A tradition of openness was established by Gov. Scott Walker, who in 2016 signed Executive Order #189.