
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Announces New Federal Funding To Help Wisconsin Combat the Opioid Epidemic

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Announces New Federal Funding To Help Wisconsin Combat the Opioid Epidemic

Wisconsin receives $6,253,212. Senator Baldwin worked to secure federal funding that invests in prevention, treatment and recovery in local communities

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Reintroduces Legislation to Rein in Stock Buybacks and Give Workers a Voice on Corporate Boards

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Reintroduces Legislation to Rein in Stock Buybacks and Give Workers a Voice on Corporate Boards

Big corporations were given huge, permanent tax breaks and in 2018 they announced more than $1 trillion in stock buybacks, largely benefiting corporate executives and wealthy shareholders

Judge Hagedorn Wins Debate in Final Week of Campaign

Judge Hagedorn Wins Debate in Final Week of Campaign

Neubauer continues to leave voters in the dark on judicial philosophy

Chief Judge Neubauer Clear Winner In Tonight’s Debate

Chief Judge Neubauer Clear Winner In Tonight’s Debate

"Judge Neubauer has the experience, temperament, and the trust of the judicial and law enforcement communities that she will be the fair, impartial, and independent choice on the Wisconsin Supreme Court."

Common Council approves legislation to develop a reserve workforce for snow and ice control

Common Council approves legislation to develop a reserve workforce for snow and ice control

Sponsored by Alderman Robert J. Bauman and co-sponsored by Alderman Terry L. Witkowski, Council File #181747 addresses many of the issues DPW faces during snow and ice control operations.

Gov. Evers Responds to Ruling in SEIU v. Vos

Gov. Evers Responds to Ruling in SEIU v. Vos

"For the second time in less than a week, an impartial judge ruled against legislative Republicans and their lame duck session."

Brian Hagedorn’s Homophobia Gets Support From Right-Wing Republican State Leadership Committee

Brian Hagedorn’s Homophobia Gets Support From Right-Wing Republican State Leadership Committee

Washington D.C. Based Group Seeks to Fill Void Left After Other Conservative Groups Refused to Support Hagedorn

Early Voting for 2019 Spring Election Sees Increased Voter Participation

Early Voting for 2019 Spring Election Sees Increased Voter Participation

Residents have opportunity to vote early until Saturday, March 30

Judges Letter for Immediate Publication

Judges Letter for Immediate Publication

Letter from thirty six sitting and retired Milwaukee area judges regarding the upcoming Supreme Court election on April 2nd.

Sensenbrenner Leads Bipartisan Effort to Extend Prescription Drug Program for Seniors
Pocan Calls on Attorney General to Release the Full Mueller Report

Pocan Calls on Attorney General to Release the Full Mueller Report

"The American people deserve the full truth behind the Special Counsel’s report and any attempts to censor it will be unacceptable."

Gov. Evers Appoints Dr. John Willett as Green Lake County Coroner

Gov. Evers Appoints Dr. John Willett as Green Lake County Coroner

"Dr. Willett will be an excellent Coroner and will serve the people of Green Lake County well."