Lighthorse 4041 Recieves Urban Planning Award from Wisconsin Planning Association
Milwaukee County Board Chairwoman Marina Dimitrijevic Announces Board of Supervisors Internship Program

Milwaukee County Board Chairwoman Marina Dimitrijevic Announces Board of Supervisors Internship Program

Interns will play an integral part in the daily functions of the Board, assisting County Supervisors with various projects related to public policy and constituent services.

Taylor statement on DOJ release of protesters’ private data

Taylor statement on DOJ release of protesters’ private data

Walker protestors who’ve been cited by the Capitol Police at the noon-time Solidarity Sing-Alongs were provided private information about other protestors, including home addresses and social security numbers.

Over $1 Million Requested to Duplicate Services

Over $1 Million Requested to Duplicate Services

The resolution (File 13-746) is aimed at tapping into the County’s contingency fund – which is usually reserved for emergencies – in order to fund a campaign informing the public about the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Supervisor Khalif Rainey Encourages Constituents to Make Use of “Milwaukee Justice Center Mobile Clinic”

Supervisor Khalif Rainey Encourages Constituents to Make Use of “Milwaukee Justice Center Mobile Clinic”

Clinic Provides Free Volunteer Legal Services in Under-served Areas

Milwaukee County Offers Help in ACA Enrollment

Milwaukee County Offers Help in ACA Enrollment

Using existing resources and staff, County Departments will help clients they are already serving understand and enroll in the ACA.

Public Meeting in Riverwest Next Week

Public Meeting in Riverwest Next Week

A joint public meeting with Alderman Nik Kovac and Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs will be held at 6 p.m. on Monday, September 23, 2013.

County Board Celebrates Signing of War Memorial/Milwaukee Art Museum Pact

County Board Celebrates Signing of War Memorial/Milwaukee Art Museum Pact

Milwaukee County Board Chairwoman Marina Dimitrijevic today was joined by Board colleagues in praising the signing of an agreement between the War Memorial and Milwaukee Art Museum that will ensure the viability and beauty of “two treasures on Milwaukee’s lakefront.”

More MPS schools meeting, exceeding expectations on state report cards — but much more must be done

More MPS schools meeting, exceeding expectations on state report cards — but much more must be done

Thirty-four MPS schools are rated meets expectations, exceeds expectations or significantly exceeds expectations in the second year of DPI report cards, up from 29 schools in the first year.

Lazich, August, Fitzgerald and Vos Still Silent on Redistricting Reform Public Hearings As Support & Pressure Builds
Milwaukee County Board Economic and Community Development Committee Unanimously Approves SEWRPC Recommendations on Housing

Milwaukee County Board Economic and Community Development Committee Unanimously Approves SEWRPC Recommendations on Housing

“It’s clear that the SEWRPC plan is what is needed to improve the quality of life in the region, and I hope other counties will follow suit in approving it.”

Local Non-Profit Kompost Kids Named a Finalist in Fifth Annual Tom’s of Maine “50 States for Good”™ Program

Local Non-Profit Kompost Kids Named a Finalist in Fifth Annual Tom’s of Maine “50 States for Good”™ Program

Kompost Kids represents Wisconsin with the chance to Earn $10,000 in Funding.