Amendment of Supervisor Steve F. Taylor to Promote Aging Services Wins Approval

Amendment of Supervisor Steve F. Taylor to Promote Aging Services Wins Approval

Creates Outreach and Customer Service Coordinator in Dept. of Aging at No Cost to Taxpayers

Mayor Barrett Calls for Delay in Wisconsin BadgerCare Changes

Mayor Barrett Calls for Delay in Wisconsin BadgerCare Changes

Health Insurance for 92,000 at Stake with Ongoing Health Insurance Marketplace Problems

Milwaukee County Board to Hold Public Hearing on 2014 Budget at Milwaukee County War Memorial Center at 4 p.m. on November 4

Milwaukee County Board to Hold Public Hearing on 2014 Budget at Milwaukee County War Memorial Center at 4 p.m. on November 4

The Milwaukee County Board will hold its annual public hearing for the 2014 County Budget at an earlier time, 4 p.m., on Monday, November 4, at the Milwaukee County War Memorial Center, 750 N. Lincoln Memorial, in the Memorial Hall on the third floor of the building.

County Executive Abele Discusses 2014 Budget at WisPolitics Luncheon

County Executive Abele Discusses 2014 Budget at WisPolitics Luncheon

The event starts at 11:30am at the Zilber School of Public Health, 1240 N 10th Street, Milwaukee.

New development project would host an International Baccalaureate Middle Years school and community uses under plans detailed by MPS, city, developers
Assembly Republicans’ latest push to suppress voting, dodge responsibility

Assembly Republicans’ latest push to suppress voting, dodge responsibility

Wisconsin’s middle class need jobs, better wages, economic security, strong education – not voter suppression, says Rep. Zamarripa

Rep. Taylor statement on Attorney General campaign

Rep. Taylor statement on Attorney General campaign

”I love my job as a state representative.”

Return of guns to former cop shows system that needs fixing

Return of guns to former cop shows system that needs fixing

Statement of Alderman Joe Davis, Sr. October 30, 2013

Trick or treat… give me safe habits to seek!

Trick or treat… give me safe habits to seek!

Safety is a top priority for children as they roam neighborhoods on Halloween

Supervisor Bowen Announces Series of Town Hall Meetings

Supervisor Bowen Announces Series of Town Hall Meetings

Residents Invited to Speak About Milwaukee County Budget, Other Issues

Sale of former Malcolm X Academy property held by Council committee

Sale of former Malcolm X Academy property held by Council committee

News release from Alderman Willie L. Hines, Jr. and Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs

New Education Statistics Show Taxpayer Money Subsidizes Families Able to Afford Private Schools

New Education Statistics Show Taxpayer Money Subsidizes Families Able to Afford Private Schools

Republicans choose unaccountable private school voucher expansion over adequate resources to public schools