Betty Brinn Children’s Museum September – December 2015 Events

Betty Brinn Children’s Museum September – December 2015 Events

Calendar of events taking place in September, October, November and December 2015 at the Betty Brinn Children's Museum.

Rep. Barca Statement on Retirement of WEDC CEO Reed Hall

Rep. Barca Statement on Retirement of WEDC CEO Reed Hall

WEDC Needs Major Leadership and Structural Changes

Dr. Melissa J. Ganz awarded Way Klingler Young Scholars Award

Dr. Melissa J. Ganz awarded Way Klingler Young Scholars Award

Ganz specializes in 18th-century British literature and culture, law and literature, and the history of the novel.

It should be safe to walk, right?

It should be safe to walk, right?

An increase in the number of people killed while walking on Wisconsin roads has the state set to surpass the 2013 total.

Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation Secretary/CEO Reed Hall Announces Retirement

Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation Secretary/CEO Reed Hall Announces Retirement

"Three years later it is time for me to return to my previous retired status."

Memorial walk, stone dedication to honor Alderman Joe Dudzik

Memorial walk, stone dedication to honor Alderman Joe Dudzik

A memorial neighborhood walk and stepping stone dedication will be held on Saturday, August 29.

Wangard Partners’ Property Management Team Expands

Wangard Partners’ Property Management Team Expands

“Expanding our property management services and team accomplishes our strategic goals and initiatives while providing a compassionate approach to the tenants and residents we serve.”

Fewer, Less Experienced Teachers Hinder Wisconsin Public Schools

Fewer, Less Experienced Teachers Hinder Wisconsin Public Schools

Recent budget decisions by Wisconsin lawmakers spell more challenges for Wisconsin schools in the future.

Hugh Bob and the Hustle wraps up the 2015 River Rhythms Series This Week

Hugh Bob and the Hustle wraps up the 2015 River Rhythms Series This Week

River Rhythms, downtown’s destination for music on Wednesday evenings welcomes Hugh Bob and the Hustle to the stage this week Wednesday, August 26th.

September Events at the Lynden Sculpture Garden

September Events at the Lynden Sculpture Garden

The Lynden Sculpture Garden offers a unique experience of art in nature through its collection of more than 50 monumental sculptures sited across 40 acres of park, lake and woodland.

Social Development Commission Awarded WHEDA Foundation Grant

Social Development Commission Awarded WHEDA Foundation Grant

SDC is one of 28 organizations from across the state of Wisconsin that will share in the $500,000 in grant funds.

2015 Milwaukee Film Festival Announces Passport: Sweden Program
2015 Milwaukee Film Festival Announces Passport

Sweden Program

Passport: Sweden proves that cold weather produces cool art