
Time for a state budget focused on middle-class families

Time for a state budget focused on middle-class families

Reps. Barca, Pasch release statements on middle-class tax cuts, investments in core middle-class priorities

Statement from Rep. Barca on appeals court’s Act 10 ruling today

Statement from Rep. Barca on appeals court’s Act 10 ruling today

Assembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca (D-Kenosha) released the following statement today regarding the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals' ruling on Act 10.

Wisconsin Mental Health Agencies Will Lose Out on Millions if Walker Rejects Medicaid Dollars

Wisconsin Mental Health Agencies Will Lose Out on Millions if Walker Rejects Medicaid Dollars

At a press conference Thursday morning health advocates highlighted a crisis fast approaching.

The City Milwaukee Wins National Praise for the Management of its Pension System

The City Milwaukee Wins National Praise for the Management of its Pension System

Mayor Barrett Congratulates Fellow City Leaders for the Honor

Same-day voter registration advisory referendum goes to voters on April 2, 2013

Same-day voter registration advisory referendum goes to voters on April 2, 2013

Statement from Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs January 15, 2013

Rep. Barca’s State of the State Response: Where is the urgency on jobs?
Rep. Barca’s State of the State Response

Where is the urgency on jobs?

Assembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca (D-Kenosha) delivered his response to Governor Walker's State of the State Address tonight.

Supervisor Alexander to Host Discussion on Reforming Government

Supervisor Alexander to Host Discussion on Reforming Government

Meeting set for Saturday, January 19, at Dretzka Park Clubhouse

Democratic legislative leaders to deliver official response to Gov. Walker’s State of the State Address

Democratic legislative leaders to deliver official response to Gov. Walker’s State of the State Address

Senate Democratic Leader Chris Larson (D-Milwaukee) and Assembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca (D-Kenosha) will deliver the official response to Gov. Walker's State of the State Address tomorrow night following the governor's speech.

Event Invitation from Alderman Nik Kovac

Event Invitation from Alderman Nik Kovac

Alderman Nik Kovac, along with State Senator Chris Larson and State Representative Jon Richards, invites residents to a Community Town Hall meeting:

Wisconsin Business Taxes Will Increase Millions if Walker Rejects Medicaid Dollars

Wisconsin Business Taxes Will Increase Millions if Walker Rejects Medicaid Dollars

On a Media Call Friday morning health advocates discussed new research that shows that Wisconsin businesses will pay $120 million more in federal taxes if Governor Scott Walker rejects increased federal Medicaid money offered by the Affordable Care Act, the national health care reform law.

Community Coalition Announces Support for Legislation to Reform Milwaukee County Governance

Community Coalition Announces Support for Legislation to Reform Milwaukee County Governance

Reform would protect critical quality of life services, empower citizen legislators and give voters a direct voice in how they wish to be represented.

Focus bipartisan energy on putting people back to work

Focus bipartisan energy on putting people back to work

Assembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca issues post-rules session statement.