Katrina Shankland
Press Release

Over $1 Million in Debt, Walker Continues to Delay Repaying Taxpayers

“Before the governor pays another penny to a campaign consultant or vendor, Wisconsin taxpayers should be reimbursed immediately.”

By - Nov 10th, 2015 12:44 pm

MADISON – Last week, it was reported that Governor Walker is actively soliciting donations from supporters to pay off his estimated $1 million presidential campaign debt. During his 71-day presidential run, Walker spent $6.4 million, including nearly $10,000 to his own family members.

Despite promising to promptly reimburse taxpayers for his campaign expenses, records show that Walker accrued this staggering debt without repaying over $67,000 in travel and security expenses owed to the State of Wisconsin. In response, Rep. Katrina Shankland (D-Stevens Point) released the following statement:

“It has been over a month since Walker ended his failed presidential run, but Wisconsin taxpayers are still on the hook for $67,000 of his campaign costs. With Walker’s campaign over a million dollars in debt, what assurances do the people of Wisconsin have that they will ever see this money again?

“Before the governor pays another penny to a campaign consultant or vendor, Wisconsin taxpayers should be reimbursed immediately. The governor owes taxpayers an explanation. When does he plan on repaying this generous loan, and why did he take it in the first place?

“It is outrageous that Walker was able to funnel himself this taxpayer assistance to begin with. If my Republican colleagues truly care about being good stewards of our public dollars, then they will move my legislation forward to end this taxpayer-funded welfare to political campaigns.”

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

Mentioned in This Press Release



  1. mots says:

    Thanks for reminding Governor asterisk that he needs to repay us asap. His careless spending is an example of his incompetent management style. Everything this incompetent politician touches fails. Please keep up the fight.

  2. Dave K says:

    Can’t the State garnish Walker’s wages?

  3. Tim says:

    Weren’t the Republicans talking about the wonders of the state’s ability to get deadbeat taxpayers to pay their bills… remember when that was tucked into the arena financing bill? Why can’t they put that office to work on Walker or does he get special treatment?

  4. Casey says:

    Maybe true non-partisan conservatives will finally wake up and realize they’ve all been played by Scott. As much as many disliked Doyle I think the same people could find even more fault with Scott if is wasn’t for the “R” in front of his name.

  5. Lauren says:

    My father taught me ” If you don’t have the money, you can’t have it” If the government started playing with that rule we wouldn’t have a problem to begin with, but it’s still a nice place to start !!!

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