Content referencing Xiaohong Zhang

Visual Art: So Many Ways To Be American
Visual Art

So Many Ways To Be American

MOWA show, “Artists Without Borders,” offers eclectic mix of work by immigrant and first generation American artists.

New Exhibition Explores Immigration and Identity through the Art of Place
Press Release

New Exhibition Explores Immigration and Identity through the Art of Place

Artists without Borders: Reflections on Art and Place opens April 24 at the Museum of Wisconsin Art

Visual Art: 39 Artists. Not a Barn in Sight
Visual Art

39 Artists. Not a Barn in Sight

Yes, it’s the Wisconsin Biennial. But don’t expect cornfields and cows.

Art Scene: Greatest Hits of the State?
Art Scene

Greatest Hits of the State?

MOWA presents 39 artists from across the state in 2020 Wisconsin Artists Biennial.

2020 Wisconsin Artists Biennial Features 42 Works by 39 Artists
Press Release

2020 Wisconsin Artists Biennial Features 42 Works by 39 Artists

Exhibition opens with a party on Saturday, January 25 at the Museum of Wisconsin Art