Content referencing Peggy Creer

League of Women Voters Publishes VOTE411 Spring Election Voter Guide
League of Women Voters Presents a Local Focus on Climate Change, Nov. 16
League of Women Voters Urges Milwaukee FPC Reforms, Community Safety Plan
Have You Made Your Voting Plan?

Have You Made Your Voting Plan?

City uses Voter Registration Day to encourage people to prepare for November election.

League of Women Voters Launches Nov. 3 General Election Online Voter Guide: Spanish Language Version Available for the First Time
First Lady Evers Announces the Wisconsin 19th Amendment Celebration Committee’s Next “Women Who Inspire” Nominee
League of Women Voters Publishes Online Voter Guide
League of Women Voters February 8 Public Issues Forum: Pathways to Criminal Justice Reform
Press Release

League of Women Voters February 8 Public Issues Forum: Pathways to Criminal Justice Reform

Free program will be held in the 1st Floor Conference Center at Summit Place, 6737 W. Washington Street, West Allis.

League of Women Voters October 12 Public Forum: Why  We Should Abolish the Electoral College
Press Release

League of Women Voters October 12 Public Forum: Why We Should Abolish the Electoral College

The League's presentation will include a discussion of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.

League of Women Voters October 12 Public Forum: Why We Should Abolish the Electoral College
Press Release

League of Women Voters October 12 Public Forum: Why We Should Abolish the Electoral College

The League's presentation will include a discussion of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact as one way to achieve the goal of direct popular vote for election of the president until the abolition of the Electoral College, which requires passage of a Constitutional Amendment.

League of Women Voters October 12 Public Forum: Why We Should Abolish the Electoral College
Press Release

League of Women Voters October 12 Public Forum: Why We Should Abolish the Electoral College

"The League of Women Voters began advocating for the abolishment of the Electoral College in 1970."

Two Local High School History Teachers Selected to Attend Expense-Paid Training Course at the Harvard Business School
Press Release

Two Local High School History Teachers Selected to Attend Expense-Paid Training Course at the Harvard Business School

Two local high school teachers recommended by League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County have been selected to attend an expense-paid teacher training session, “Teaching Civics by the Harvard Case Method," sponsored by the Harvard Business School.