
Content referencing Michael Harper

Meeting Notice Concerns Mount For SDC Following Layoffs

Meeting Notice Concerns Mount For SDC Following Layoffs

Organization say its volunteer board has complied, experts say they haven’t.

MKE County: Liz Sumner Wins County Comptroller Race
MKE County

Liz Sumner Wins County Comptroller Race

Two-term county supervisor will replace longtime comptroller Scott Manske.

2024 Spring Election Results

2024 Spring Election Results

MPS referendum and county exec, mayor, Common Council and County Board races all on ballot.

Vote April 2: Meet the Candidates for County Office
Vote April 2

Meet the Candidates for County Office

And read the analysis of each race and bios for each candidate.

Vote April 2: Meet the Candidates for County Office
Vote April 2

Meet the Candidates for County Office

And read the analysis of each race and bios for each candidate.

Cavalier Johnson Is All In On Growing Milwaukee

Cavalier Johnson Is All In On Growing Milwaukee

Annual State of the City speech places growth plan front and center.

MKE County: Second Candidate Joins Race for County Comptroller
MKE County

Second Candidate Joins Race for County Comptroller

Capital Midwest Fund partner Michael Harper will run against Sup. Liz Sumner.

MKE County: Nicholson Removes Conflicted Pension Board Chair
MKE County

Nicholson Removes Conflicted Pension Board Chair

Michael Harper's mother was a pension beneficiary. He's been replaced by Nicole Best.

Chairwoman Nicholson Appoints Nicole Best to Milwaukee County Pension Board