Content referencing Lawrence G. Haggerty

Marquette business instructor receives Teaching Excellence Award
Marquette adjunct psychology professor receives Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence
Marquette professor named American Chemical Society Fellow
Press Release

Marquette professor named American Chemical Society Fellow

The ACS Fellows Program recognizes members for outstanding achievements in and contributions to science, the profession and the society, noting that only about 1% of its members have been so honored.

Marquette chemistry professor honored for research excellence
Press Release

Marquette chemistry professor honored for research excellence

Dr. Scott Reid is an internationally recognized scholar and well-established leader in the field of spectroscopy and dynamics of reactive chemical intermediates.

Marquette mechanical engineering professor honored for research excellence
Press Release

Marquette mechanical engineering professor honored for research excellence

Dr. John Borg has been at Marquette since 2002 and has worked to investigate how solid materials deform and flow.

Marquette education and counseling psychology professor honored for research excellence
Press Release

Marquette education and counseling psychology professor honored for research excellence

Fox has been at Marquette since 1982, and during that time he has worked to engage members of the community on early childhood mental health treatment.

Marquette professor honored for research excellence
Press Release

Marquette professor honored for research excellence

Demerdash is most proud of his work as a professor and has taught at Marquette for more than twenty years.