Jonette Arms, interim director of the Milwaukee County Department on Aging.

Content referencing Jonette Arms

County Executive Announces Hiring of Department on Aging Director
Press Release

County Executive Announces Hiring of Department on Aging Director

Ms. Davis comes to Milwaukee County having run large and complex agencies and organizations.

Larson Announces First Appointment as Milwaukee County Executive
Press Release

Larson Announces First Appointment as Milwaukee County Executive

Says he will appoint Jonette Arms Director of Department on Aging

State Senator Chris Larson Issues Statement on Last Week’s Exchange with Senator Taylor
Press Release

State Senator Chris Larson Issues Statement on Last Week’s Exchange with Senator Taylor

"Last Tuesday, as I was approaching the Senate chambers in the Capitol, I ran into Senator Taylor. She began yelling at me, which was followed by some heated words from both sides."

One Word for Department on Aging: “Instability”
Press Release

One Word for Department on Aging: “Instability”

Supervisor Taylor Criticizes Turnover at Department

Supervisor Steve F. Taylor Demands Department on Aging Remain Independent
Press Release

Supervisor Steve F. Taylor Demands Department on Aging Remain Independent

He Also Asks That Interim Director Jonette Arms Be Made Permanent Director

MANDI Finalist Helps Stabilize Neighborhoods

MANDI Finalist Helps Stabilize Neighborhoods

Rebuilding Together Greater Milwaukee has invested $10 million in nearly 1,500 properties.

MANDI Finalist Helps Stabilize Neighborhoods

Contribution to Johnny Thomas of $50