
Content referencing Jill Guttormson

Senator Baldwin Delivers for Southeastern Wisconsin in Government Funding Legislation
Press Release

Senator Baldwin Delivers for Southeastern Wisconsin in Government Funding Legislation

Baldwin secured support for affordable housing, critical infrastructure, public safety, and more

Marquette University Plans Budget Cuts

Marquette University Plans Budget Cuts

Reductions in revenue will force 7% cut or $31 million over next six years.

Marquette College of Nursing dean named American Thoracic Society Fellow
Marquette’s Mission Week asks campus community to ‘Act with Faith’
Press Release

Marquette’s Mission Week asks campus community to ‘Act with Faith’

Diane Foley to speak Thursday following screening of ‘Jim: The James Foley Story’

Marquette College of Nursing first in nation to collaborate with Epic to integrate electronic health records software into curriculum
Marquette nursing professor inducted into American Academy of Nursing as AAN Fellow
Marquette receives $2.5 million gift from Helene Fuld Health Trust for new home for College of Nursing
Eyes on Milwaukee: Construction Starts On Marquette’s New Nursing School
Eyes on Milwaukee

Construction Starts On Marquette’s New Nursing School

Straz Hall, former business school, gets significant expansion and renovation.

Dr. Jill Guttormson named permanent dean of Marquette University’s College of Nursing, ranked No. 29 in the nation
Marquette Model of Natural Family Planning designated an Academy Edge Runner for innovation by American Academy of Nursing
Wisconsin Nursing Schools Can’t Graduate Enough Students

Wisconsin Nursing Schools Can’t Graduate Enough Students

But issues are related to lack of teachers and space, not applicants.

Marquette College of Nursing receives Outstanding Achievement Award from St. Coletta of Wisconsin
Marquette nursing professor named fellow of American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology
Press Release

Marquette nursing professor named fellow of American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology

AANA’s most elite professional achievement, the fellowship is a recognized hallmark of leadership and outstanding achievements in the profession and science of nurse anesthesiology.

Alumni couple gives $1 million to honor Marquette Nurses as National Nursing Week celebrations begin
Marquette alumni couple gives $1 million to launch effort to renovate and build addition for new home for College of Nursing
Marquette, Froedtert announce Froedtert Scholars clinical training program