Content referencing Jacque Troy

Shakespeare in the Park returns to the Marcus Center’s Peck Pavilion for the 2018 Production of “King Lear,” Headlined by Jim Pickering
Press Release

Shakespeare in the Park returns to the Marcus Center’s Peck Pavilion for the 2018 Production of “King Lear,” Headlined by Jim Pickering

The tragedy will play on three weekends: July 5-8, 12-15 and 19-21, with a weekday matinee on July 17.

Wild Space gets “Luscious”

Wild Space gets “Luscious”

Debra Loewen's Wild Space Dance company luxuriates in the sensual Thursday through Saturday.

MCT, Parkside unite for a complex, resonant “Bus Stop”

MCT, Parkside unite for a complex, resonant “Bus Stop”

Milwaukee Chamber Theatre's third university collaboration pays off, as students and professional give powerful performances.