Content referencing Diane Hendricks - Page 2

Hendricks Not Paying Property Taxes?

Hendricks Not Paying Property Taxes?

The billionaire's Rock County mansion doesn't appear on tax rolls.

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans Couldn’t Beat Evers
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans Couldn’t Beat Evers

The incumbent superintendent was vulnerable. Why the GOP stumbled.

Is this a Senate race or a yacht sale?
Press Release

Is this a Senate race or a yacht sale?

Even conservative radio personality, Mark Belling, is unimpressed with the current slate of candidates.

Governor Walker Tours Hendricks CareerTek in Beloit
Press Release

Governor Walker Tours Hendricks CareerTek in Beloit

Hendricks CareerTek, created by the Stateline Boys and Girls Club in collaboration with Diane Hendricks, Kim Bliss, and the Hendricks Family Foundation, is a new career center located on the Beloit Ironworks campus.

Court Watch: Big Donors Like Justice Ziegler
Court Watch

Big Donors Like Justice Ziegler

Unopposed Supreme Court Justice raised $373,106 in campaign donations in 2016.

Donald Trump’s Tax Return Problem
Press Release

Donald Trump’s Tax Return Problem

His unwillingness to release his tax returns should make voters uneasy as Trump.

Senator Johnson’s Biggest Supporters Line Up Behind Trump
Press Release

Senator Johnson’s Biggest Supporters Line Up Behind Trump

Senator Johnson and Trump share the same vision for an economy that benefits only multi-millionaires and billionaires like themselves.

Debunking Governor Walker’s SOTS Claims
Press Release

Debunking Governor Walker’s SOTS Claims

Rep. Gordon Hintz released a useful primer to assist in interpreting the Governor’s most commonly-used statements made during the last few weeks leading up to the address.

Murphy’s Law: Scott Walker, Master of Deception
Murphy’s Law

Scott Walker, Master of Deception

Whenever the governor insists a policy is “not a priority,” you can probably assume the contrary.

Walker Says Campaign Cash Corrupts

Walker Says Campaign Cash Corrupts

At least if it comes from unions. As to other reforms in campaign finance, he's elusive.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin, Land of the Plutocrats
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin, Land of the Plutocrats

Forbes 400 list offers more evidence of wealth gap in Wisconsin.

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