Content referencing Alan Schultz

Will “Safer at Home” Be Policed Fairly?

Will “Safer at Home” Be Policed Fairly?

Some areas most impacted by COVID-19 have also been victims of excessive policing.

Wisconsin’s Incarcerated are in Danger

Wisconsin’s Incarcerated are in Danger

Activists urge action to protect incarcerated individuals during this pandemic.

Federal Policing Money Flowing to City

Federal Policing Money Flowing to City

Relentless Pursuit grant, Tougher on Crime grant, DNC funding lead the list.

Questions Surround Vaun Mayes’ Arrest

Questions Surround Vaun Mayes’ Arrest

Charged with plot to firebomb police, Mayes is a dedicated community worker, supporters say.

Ex-Inmates Group Pushes Criminal Justice Reform

Ex-Inmates Group Pushes Criminal Justice Reform

Asks Evers for increased accountability, mental health resources and re-entry support.

Close Milwaukee Secure Detention Facility?

Close Milwaukee Secure Detention Facility?

Both activists and newly elected Gov. Evers agree on this. Its problems are many.

City “Can’t Police” Away Its Violence

City “Can’t Police” Away Its Violence

Local leaders call for comprehensive solution to gun violence in Milwaukee.

Edgar Lin Endorsed by Two Leading Milwaukee Newspapers
Press Release

Edgar Lin Endorsed by Two Leading Milwaukee Newspapers

Leading Challenger in 16th AD Race Continue to Rack up Endorsements