Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism

Legislature Resists Background Checks for Guns

Legislature Resists Background Checks for Guns

18 states require them, 85% of state residents support them, but Walker, GOP resist.

Tainted Water: Water Woes Big Issue in Fall Elections
Tainted Water

Water Woes Big Issue in Fall Elections

Water pollution hotly debated in key legislative races and Feingold vs Johnson.

Cruel and Unusual: Judge Won’t Halt Force Feeding of Inmate
Cruel and Unusual

Judge Won’t Halt Force Feeding of Inmate

Cesar DeLeon among eight Waupun inmates on hunger strike. Medical groups condemn force feeding.

Children Left Behind: Study Shows Poverty’s Impact on Kids
Children Left Behind

Study Shows Poverty’s Impact on Kids

New UW study shows 20% of test scores deficit due to lags in early brain development.

Cruel and Unusual: State Starts Force Feeding Three Inmates
Cruel and Unusual

State Starts Force Feeding Three Inmates

Corrections officials begin force feedings as solitary confinement protest continues.

Cruel and Unusual: How Colorado Reduced Solitary Confinement
Cruel and Unusual

How Colorado Reduced Solitary Confinement

It’s nearly been eliminated, while Wisconsin has made only a small reduction in solitary confinement.

Cruel and Unusual: Inmate Hunger Strike in State Prisons
Cruel and Unusual

Inmate Hunger Strike in State Prisons

Strike starts at Waupun and Columbia prisons; protests long-term solitary confinement.

No Relief from 565% Payday Loan Interest

No Relief from 565% Payday Loan Interest

Wisconsin one of eight states with no rules capping interest, despite calls for reform.

Cruel and Unusual: Hunger Strike Against Solitary Confinement
Cruel and Unusual

Hunger Strike Against Solitary Confinement

Some states banned it but not Wisconsin. Waupun inmates plan strike beginning June 10.

Precious Lives: A Debate Over Lincoln Hills Problems
Precious Lives

A Debate Over Lincoln Hills Problems

Critics of trauma-informed care say it led to problems, others say it wasn’t fully implemented.

Precious Lives: Trauma-Informed Care Helps Heal Victims
Precious Lives

Trauma-Informed Care Helps Heal Victims

Approach focuses on victims of childhood trauma, which can help in rehabilitating criminals.

Frac Sand Mine is Nation’s Worst Violator

Frac Sand Mine is Nation’s Worst Violator

Huge mine on Iowa border plans seven-fold expansion, leads in workplace violations.