The State of Politics

The State of Politics: Pandemic Ends Holiday Traditions
The State of Politics

Pandemic Ends Holiday Traditions

It's a special time in Wisconsin’s grand Capitol. But not this year.

The State of Politics: A Supreme Court of First Resort?
The State of Politics

A Supreme Court of First Resort?

Many petitions defy precedent, ask Wisconsin Supreme Court to bypass lower courts.

The State of Politics: How Evers Spent $2 Billion to Fight Covid
The State of Politics

How Evers Spent $2 Billion to Fight Covid

A very long list of recipients. But the money runs out on January 1.

The State of Politics: State Officials Can’t Agree on Pandemic
The State of Politics

State Officials Can’t Agree on Pandemic

Just as Vos agrees with Evers that some measures needed, Senate leader says no.

The State of Politics: How Will Legislature Investigate Election?
The State of Politics

How Will Legislature Investigate Election?

And will legislators subpoena election clerks, using this power for first time in more than 40 years?

The State of Politics: Can Evers, Republicans Mend Fences?
The State of Politics

Can Evers, Republicans Mend Fences?

Their first two years weren't very cooperative. But that might change with a new Legislature.

The State of Politics: $1 Million Legislative Races Now Common
The State of Politics

$1 Million Legislative Races Now Common

For a job paying $52,000. This year the Democrats are out-spending Republicans.

The State of Politics: Will Evers Run for Second Term?
The State of Politics

Will Evers Run for Second Term?

He’s had no time to think about that, he says. Why his reelection won’t be easy.

The State of Politics: GOP Once Bypassed Governor on Redistricting
The State of Politics

GOP Once Bypassed Governor on Redistricting

That was in 1960s and high court struck it down. Will we see repeat of this battle next year?

The State of Politics: 4 Reasons Legislature Won’t Reconvene
The State of Politics

4 Reasons Legislature Won’t Reconvene

Haven’t met since April, won’t return this year. Republicans explain why.

The State of Politics: Courts To Decide Governors’ Emergency Powers
The State of Politics

Courts To Decide Governors’ Emergency Powers

Republicans oppose Evers’ mask mandate, want courts to restrict longtime power of governors.

The State of Politics: Rebecca Kleefisch Will Run for Governor
The State of Politics

Rebecca Kleefisch Will Run for Governor

Former Lt. Governor hasn’t announced, but is clearly organizing for 2022 campaign.