
Why State’s Schools Teach Native History

Why State’s Schools Teach Native History

1989 law sought to expand our understanding of many native tribes with deep roots in Wisconsin.

Lives of the Urban Coyotes and Foxes

Lives of the Urban Coyotes and Foxes

UW Project studies how they can survive and even thrive in a city.

Lagging Migration Hurts Business Startup Rate?

Lagging Migration Hurts Business Startup Rate?

Research suggests a lower rate of in-migration to Wisconsin could retard entrepreneurship.

Where State Is Heating Up the Most

Where State Is Heating Up the Most

Yep, it’s cooler near the lake — Lake Michigan and Lake Superior —as climate changes.

Wisconsin Is Getting Old

Wisconsin Is Getting Old

Demographics show state changed from mostly under age 30 in 1970 to mostly over 30 today.

The Geographic Disparities of Free School Lunch

The Geographic Disparities of Free School Lunch

Students eligible for free and low-cost school lunch: 57% urban, 42% rural, 40% town, and 24% in suburban school districts.

How Polarized Are State Politicians?

How Polarized Are State Politicians?

Study of roll call votes shows Wisconsin 11th most polarized in the nation.

How State Created Strongest Veto Power

How State Created Strongest Veto Power

No governor has more power to rewrite bills. How and why Wisconsin adopted this.

What Makes A Lake Healthy?

What Makes A Lake Healthy?

Algal blooms, invasive species and shoreline development disrupt the healthy balance of lakes.

New App Tracks Deer Ticks

New App Tracks Deer Ticks

UW-Madison researchers hope The Tick App can help monitor the spread of Lyme disease.

High Tolerance: State Has 22,000 OWI Convictions Per Year
High Tolerance

State Has 22,000 OWI Convictions Per Year

Still high, but way down from 10 years ago when it was 40,000.

High Tolerance: Which Counties Have More Binge Drinking?
High Tolerance

Which Counties Have More Binge Drinking?

Excessive drinking highest in Wisconsin’s college towns, urban counties, data shows.