Wisconsin Public Radio

Airport Will Collect Change for Homeless

Airport Will Collect Change for Homeless

Similar program in Denver raises $93,000 annually for homeless programs.

Body Cameras Change Police Interactions

Body Cameras Change Police Interactions

Study finds MPD use of force unchanged but fewer “subject stops” and citizen complaints.

Trinity Church Fire Damage $17 Million

Trinity Church Fire Damage $17 Million

140-year-old Evangelical Lutheran church on 9th and Highland had extensive damage.

Roys Makes Foxconn Issue in Governor Race

Roys Makes Foxconn Issue in Governor Race

Spars with Walker on whether to protect homeowners forced to sell for Foxconn.

Child Tax Credit Applications Now Open

Child Tax Credit Applications Now Open

State residents with children under age 18 can apply for one-time, $100 tax credit.

Cocaine Overdose Deaths Have Nearly Tripled

Cocaine Overdose Deaths Have Nearly Tripled

In Milwaukee County up from 50 in 2013 to 140 in 2017.

Walker, Republicans Warn of Blue Wave

Walker, Republicans Warn of Blue Wave

Ryan says farewell, Vukmir endorsed at annual state convention of GOP party.

Apostle Islands Have Worst Microplastic Pollution

Apostle Islands Have Worst Microplastic Pollution

Study of 35 national parks, 37 coastal beaches finds most contamination in Lake Superior sand.

Microplastics From Great Lakes Found In Beer

Microplastics From Great Lakes Found In Beer

Researchers found 12 different brands of beer using Great Lakes water were contaminated with microplastics.

2,900-Acre Plan for Foxconn Passed

2,900-Acre Plan for Foxconn Passed

Mount Pleasant board okays use of eminent domain, critics say it tramples property rights.

Veterans Blast Senate Candidate Kevin Nicholson

Veterans Blast Senate Candidate Kevin Nicholson

Republican candidate has questioned “thought process” of veterans who vote Democratic.

Taylor Dropped From Legislature’s Top Committee

Taylor Dropped From Legislature’s Top Committee

Her own party’s leader removes state Sen. Lena Taylor pending probe of dispute with staff.