Wisconsin Public Radio

Evers Will Fight Plan to Limit His Power

Evers Will Fight Plan to Limit His Power

GOP lame duck session set to start today would “invalidate” election, Evers charges.

GOP Lame Duck Session Targets Evers

GOP Lame Duck Session Targets Evers

Far-reaching bill would reduce governor’s power, limit early voting.

State Health Insurance Signups Lagging

State Health Insurance Signups Lagging

Enrollment for federal ACA insurance exchange down 20% this year; two weeks left to enroll.

How MPS Handles Death of a Student

How MPS Handles Death of a Student

System’s Crisis Response Team called on in sad death of young Sandra Parks.

Manufacturing Still Key to State Economy

Manufacturing Still Key to State Economy

New report finds 465,100 jobs, 16 percent of state workforce in manufacturing.

Public Hearing Probes Solutions To Homeless

Public Hearing Probes Solutions To Homeless

Population is 900 to 1,000 people. More funding, volunteers needed.

Climate Report Sees Trouble for Farmers

Climate Report Sees Trouble for Farmers

Higher temperatures, more frequent, intense rains could reduce agricultural production in Midwest.

Kimberly-Clark Subsidy Stalled in Senate

Kimberly-Clark Subsidy Stalled in Senate

Republicans “haven’t made any effort to build consensus," Democrat Shilling says.

City Rated 2nd Worst Place For Blacks

City Rated 2nd Worst Place For Blacks

Milwaukee gets dismal ranking in study tracking relative income, incarceration rates, six other factors.

Assembly Democrats Reach Gender Parity

Assembly Democrats Reach Gender Parity

Women make up 50% of Democrats but just 16% of Republicans in state Assembly.

Audit of State’s Voting Equipment Launched

Audit of State’s Voting Equipment Launched

Elections Commission will audit sample, 5% of wards, due to election security concerns.

Donovan Calls on MU To Help Homeless

Donovan Calls on MU To Help Homeless

Alderman suggests Marquette should re-open 155-room Ramada Hotel to house the homeless.