Wisconsin Public Radio

53% Get COVID-19 If Someone In Household Infected

53% Get COVID-19 If Someone In Household Infected

New study of families in Wisconsin, Tennessee finds high rate of secondary infection.

Blue-Green Algae On Rise In Lakes

Blue-Green Algae On Rise In Lakes

High temperatures causing November blooms in some of state’s lakes.

New Groundwater Standards Proposed

New Groundwater Standards Proposed

State officials recommend standards for 16 PFAS chemicals and 6 pesticides.

Wisconsin Reacts To Biden Victory

Wisconsin Reacts To Biden Victory

Gov. Evers says "we're returning kindness, respect, and compassion back to the White House."

8% of State’s Prisoners Have COVID-19

8% of State’s Prisoners Have COVID-19

1,703 active cases and 6,781 inmates in quarantine or isolation.

Vos Calls for Probe of State Election

Vos Calls for Probe of State Election

Cites concerns about voter fraud, offers no evidence.

WEC Will Retire Half of Oak Creek Power Plant

WEC Will Retire Half of Oak Creek Power Plant

1,800 megawatt plant will be replaced with clean energy, natural gas.

Sexual Assault Charges Against Jacob Blake Dropped

Sexual Assault Charges Against Jacob Blake Dropped

Blake pleads guilty to disorderly conduct, receives two-years probation.

Stay Home to Reduce COVID-19 Spread, Evers Says

Stay Home to Reduce COVID-19 Spread, Evers Says

New study shows that reducing contact and travel is effective in curtailing transmission.

UW System Enrollment Down 2%

UW System Enrollment Down 2%

System saw 6% decline in new freshman enrollment.

Polarization Making For A Close Presidential Race
UW Campuses Becoming Community ‘Surge Testing’ Sites

UW Campuses Becoming Community ‘Surge Testing’ Sites

UW-System rolling out 250,000 rapid COVID-19 tests.