Wisconsin Examiner

Recount an Insult to Minority Voters?

Recount an Insult to Minority Voters?

'Shameless' and part of a pattern of "blaming Black and brown voters," advocates say.

Kaul Sues Legislature Over Lame Duck Laws

Kaul Sues Legislature Over Lame Duck Laws

Lawsuits can’t be settled, consumers lose out on potential settlements, AG charges.

Tosa Police Use High Fees to Combat Open Records?

Tosa Police Use High Fees to Combat Open Records?

Email outlining policy 'a shocking admission of bad faith,' expert says.

Mensah Settlement Leaves Lawyers, Officials Squabbling

Mensah Settlement Leaves Lawyers, Officials Squabbling

Attorneys arguing with city; police chief at odds with Common Council.

State High Court to Review School Shutdown

State High Court to Review School Shutdown

WILL and school choice group sue to block Racine order closing all schools.

State Officials Warn of Vaccine Trial Scams

State Officials Warn of Vaccine Trial Scams

Claiming to recruit participants for vaccine trials, they’ll request your personal information.

Wisconsin Unemployment Increased in October

Wisconsin Unemployment Increased in October

Service sector lost nearly 30,000 jobs.

State Response To COVID-19 a Trainwreck, Pocan says

State Response To COVID-19 a Trainwreck, Pocan says

The congressman wants an end to the partisan battle over a COVID-19 relief bill.

600 Law Enforcement Agencies Operate in Wisconsin

600 Law Enforcement Agencies Operate in Wisconsin

See how many law enforcement agencies operate where you live.

State Recount Turns Into Partisan Battle

State Recount Turns Into Partisan Battle

The partial-recount is focusing solely on Milwaukee and Dane counties.

Contact Tracing Effort Is Far Behind

Contact Tracing Effort Is Far Behind

COVID-19 cases rising too fast, state would need 20-fold increase in tracers to keep up.

Vos Floats Ideas, Blasts Evers on Pandemic

Vos Floats Ideas, Blasts Evers on Pandemic

Evers has asked legislators to meet since April. Vos still won't convene Legislature.