Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service

How a Cop Can Win Over Residents

How a Cop Can Win Over Residents

Jesus Gloria, a bilingual, award-winning police officer, has forged connections in his south side district.

City Looks to Jumpstart Bronzeville Revival

City Looks to Jumpstart Bronzeville Revival

Plans for redeveloped district includes restaurants, taverns, theaters, museums and artists’ studios.

Milwaukeeans Inspired by Steinbeck’s Social Message

Milwaukeeans Inspired by Steinbeck’s Social Message

Milwaukee-born actor and educator Paul McComas performed from John Steinbeck's work at Marquette, and local activists testified to the novelist's impact.

Thousands of Pounds of Free Food Distributed

Thousands of Pounds of Free Food Distributed

Need is great. Hundreds of families in Clarke Square neighborhood benefit.

Eight Neighborhoods Targeted for Home Improvement Loans

Eight Neighborhoods Targeted for Home Improvement Loans

City $900,000 in loan money available for home loans.

Barrett Seeks Business Supporters for Residency Requirement

Barrett Seeks Business Supporters for Residency Requirement

Mayor addresses 300 business execs, says ending residency requirement could depress city property values.

South Siders Concerned about I-94 Changes

South Siders Concerned about I-94 Changes

DOT proposals for exits and entrances at 26th and 35th streets worry area residents.

Thousands Could Lose Food Stamps Under Walker Proposal

Thousands Could Lose Food Stamps Under Walker Proposal

Job training requirements could mean more hunger in Milwaukee, advocate predicts.

New Neighborhood Leaders for Milwaukee

New Neighborhood Leaders for Milwaukee

A partnership of Cardinal Stritch and local foundations is training leaders to improve city neighborhoods.

Manufacturers Wanted at A.O. Smith Site

Manufacturers Wanted at A.O. Smith Site

City hopes to attract companies and bring 1,000 jobs to abandoned site.

New Inner City Medical Clinic Planned

New Inner City Medical Clinic Planned

Clinic at 23rd and Burleigh would serve poor families who lack access to medical care.

A New Community Group Rises

A New Community Group Rises

Block clubs have combined to create a new non-profit serving the neighborhood at 8th and Burleigh.