
Op Ed: Highways Debt Up 87% Under Walker
Op Ed

Highways Debt Up 87% Under Walker

Republicans have added nearly $3 billion in debt, want to add $700 million more.

Biking: Oregon Passes Bike Tax

Oregon Passes Bike Tax

$15 on purchase of new bike. Will Wisconsin follow suit?

Council Approves More Parking for Bikes

Council Approves More Parking for Bikes

Minimum standards for bike parking, bike racks for new and redeveloped buildings.

Riverwest Will Get First Bike Boulevards

Riverwest Will Get First Bike Boulevards

Two miles of streets where bikes get priority over cars.

Murphy’s Law: City Is Unequal for Bike Users
Murphy’s Law

City Is Unequal for Bike Users

Report finds poorer residents have far less access to bike trails. Is there a solution?

Op Ed: The Myth of DOT Mismanagement
Op Ed

The Myth of DOT Mismanagement

It amounts to 2 percent of highway spending. That won’t solve roads budget deficit.

Campaign Cash: Vos Goads WMC for Their Roads Plan
Campaign Cash

Vos Goads WMC for Their Roads Plan

Business group's lobbying killed trucks fee, leaving roads budget still far short.

Op Ed: How to Follow the Transportation Debate
Op Ed

How to Follow the Transportation Debate

And why a real solution will probably never be reached.

Op Ed: Roads Debate Much Ado About Nothing
Op Ed

Roads Debate Much Ado About Nothing

Walker’s stance prevents any real debate about transportation budget.

Murphy’s Law: How Trucks Destroy Our Roads
Murphy’s Law

How Trucks Destroy Our Roads

And how a fee on trucks could solve state’s transportation problem.

Op Ed: Voters Strongly Support Higher Gas Tax
Op Ed

Voters Strongly Support Higher Gas Tax

So maybe Republicans should embrace it as a solution.

Campaign Cash: GOP Considers Heavy Fees for Trucks
Campaign Cash

GOP Considers Heavy Fees for Trucks

Trucking lobby opposes solution to transportation shortfall.