
The State of Politics: We Hate DOT, But Here’s $712 Million
The State of Politics

We Hate DOT, But Here’s $712 Million

GOP senators would borrow big for Department of Transportation they distrust.

The Contrarian: What Would Tommy Do?
The Contrarian

What Would Tommy Do?

Walker could learn a lot from Tommy Thompson on how to handle a budget dispute.

Urban Reads: Let Liberal Cities Be Themselves
Urban Reads

Let Liberal Cities Be Themselves

All the city news you can use.

Op Ed: Loss of Talgo Train Hurts Foxconn Deal
Op Ed

Loss of Talgo Train Hurts Foxconn Deal

High speed rail would have better connected Racine area to Madison, Chicago.

The Contrarian: Senate and Assembly Flip on Highway Debt
The Contrarian

Senate and Assembly Flip on Highway Debt

Senate now likes big increase in debt, Assembly no longer does.

Eyes on Milwaukee: City Fighting County on Rapid Transit
Eyes on Milwaukee

City Fighting County on Rapid Transit

Council committee puts restrictions on BRT project, charges county acted in bad faith.

The Return of Talgo

The Return of Talgo

Returns to central city plant here, will service and repairs trains for U.S. customers.

Op Ed: Highways Debt Up 87% Under Walker
Op Ed

Highways Debt Up 87% Under Walker

Republicans have added nearly $3 billion in debt, want to add $700 million more.

Biking: Oregon Passes Bike Tax

Oregon Passes Bike Tax

$15 on purchase of new bike. Will Wisconsin follow suit?

Council Approves More Parking for Bikes

Council Approves More Parking for Bikes

Minimum standards for bike parking, bike racks for new and redeveloped buildings.

Riverwest Will Get First Bike Boulevards

Riverwest Will Get First Bike Boulevards

Two miles of streets where bikes get priority over cars.

Murphy’s Law: City Is Unequal for Bike Users
Murphy’s Law

City Is Unequal for Bike Users

Report finds poorer residents have far less access to bike trails. Is there a solution?