The State of Politics

The State of Politics: Voters Approved $1.8 Billion for Schools
The State of Politics

Voters Approved $1.8 Billion for Schools

And have given 24 districts permission to exceed state spending limits.

The State of Politics: Bill Would End “Revolving Door” Lobbyists
The State of Politics

Bill Would End “Revolving Door” Lobbyists

Would require one-year wait for ex-legislators and legislative aides to become lobbyists.

The State of Politics: Trump Budget Threatens State Spending
The State of Politics

Trump Budget Threatens State Spending

Impact could be huge: 29 percent of state budget funded by federal grants.

The State of Politics: Barrett Sells Milwaukee to GOP
The State of Politics

Barrett Sells Milwaukee to GOP

City has reinvented itself, deserves greater investment from state, he argues.

The State of Politics: Will Walker Go Back to the Future?
The State of Politics

Will Walker Go Back to the Future?

He offered transportation-funding plan in 2011 that may get reconsideration.

The State of Politics: How Legislature Rigged the Game
The State of Politics

How Legislature Rigged the Game

2015 campaign finance law gives more power to wealthy and corporations.

The State Of Politics: Evers, Holtz, Offer Real Clash On Issues
The State Of Politics

Evers, Holtz, Offer Real Clash On Issues

Incumbent state superintendent and challenger have fierce disagreements.

The State of Politics: Advisory Referendums Have Meant Little
The State of Politics

Advisory Referendums Have Meant Little

Legislators are considering advisory referendums on legalizing marijuana and making Daylight Savings Time permanent.

The State of Politics: Legislators Could Trim Walker Budget
The State of Politics

Legislators Could Trim Walker Budget

Does governor expect them to throw out his bag of goodies?

The State of Politics: Walker Will Unveil A Reelection Budget
The State of Politics

Walker Will Unveil A Reelection Budget

Proposals in 2017-2019 budget made with eye to running for a third term.

The State of Politics: Walker Will Crack Down On Welfare
The State of Politics

Walker Will Crack Down On Welfare

Food stamps will be much harder to get. Democrats ask, will kids be affected?

The State of Politics: Walker Has Raised $100 Million
The State of Politics

Walker Has Raised $100 Million

Plus $45 million from third-party groups. All since 2009.