
Op Ed: Sen. Ron Johnson Mired In Trump’s Swamp
Op Ed

Sen. Ron Johnson Mired In Trump’s Swamp

Johnson attacks FBI, CIA, and the whistleblower to defend Trump.

Op Ed: Move Wisconsin Medicaid Expansion Forward
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Move Wisconsin Medicaid Expansion Forward

70 percent of Wisconsinites support Medicaid expansion. It would provide health insurance to those without, and save state millions.

Op Ed: Wisconsin Democrats and Republicans Split on Trump Impeachment
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Wisconsin Democrats and Republicans Split on Trump Impeachment

Democrats clear in call for impeachment inquiry, while Republicans have little to say.

Op Ed: Investing in Wisconsin’s Future
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Investing in Wisconsin’s Future

Boys & Girls Clubs of Wisconsin is launching an effort to raise awareness and support for its out-of-school activities.

Op Ed: Climate Crisis, Listen to Young People
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Climate Crisis, Listen to Young People

Thousands of young people marched across the US demanding action to fight climate-change, will leaders listen?

Op Ed: Suicide Is a Public Health Issue
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Suicide Is a Public Health Issue

Steady increase in state’s suicide rate, yet legislative efforts to fund Suicide HOPELINE have failed.

Op Ed: Don’t Give Up on St. Joseph’s Hospital
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Don’t Give Up on St. Joseph’s Hospital

If we want hospital to stay committed to the community, we must continue to patronize it.

Op Ed: We Need Redistricting Reform Now
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We Need Redistricting Reform Now

Proposed bill would make process more representative, more transparent.

Op Ed: Help Us Plan the City’s Future
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Help Us Plan the City’s Future

Take this survey, give your opinions to help city create comprehensive housing and development plan.

Op Ed: Legislature Should Put Students First
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Legislature Should Put Students First

Long-term school funding, teacher experience, student test scores are all down.

Op Ed: Tom Barrett’s Black Voter Challenge
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Tom Barrett’s Black Voter Challenge

His support solid in black community. But 2020 could be different.

Op Ed: Can a Democrat Succeed Duffy?
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Can a Democrat Succeed Duffy?

Yes, if the campaign is run on bread-and-butter issues that appeal to rural voters.