Our Financial Watchdog
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau fined Wells Fargo $100 million for illegal practices.
Sep 30th, 2016 by State Sen. Janis RinghandAgenda Items for Walker’s Second Act
Gov. Walker needs to focus on policy, including job creation in Milwaukee, not politics.
Sep 28th, 2016 by John TorinusSolve Real Problems
Why is Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald still defending the state’s voter ID law?
Sep 27th, 2016 by Andrea KaminskiCreator of Controversial Mural Responds to Critics
Critics call mural “dehumanizing.”
Sep 26th, 2016 by Adam Stoner, Milwaukee Neighborhood News ServiceTwo New Knees for Just $39,000
Value healthcare approach saves thousands of dollars for both employee and company.
Sep 22nd, 2016 by John TorinusGov. Walker Needs a Second Act
Progress has been made, but big initiatives are needed to secure Wisconsin’s prosperity.
Sep 20th, 2016 by John TorinusShould Transit Have Dedicated Lanes?
Dedicated lanes for transit would improve speed and efficiency, but reduce auto lanes or parking.
Sep 16th, 2016 by Joe PeterangeloWhy Schools Are Abandoning Zero Tolerance
Even the theory’s biggest promoter has. But what is the alternative?
Sep 8th, 2016 by Terry FalkWill Some County Parks Be Closed?
Survey from Abele administration offers this as possible solution. But why?
Sep 7th, 2016 by Virginia SmallOf Taco Trucks and Voter Education
Trump supporter warns of taco trucks on every corner; Latino leaders mobilize voters.
Sep 6th, 2016 by Margaret Rozga, Milwaukee Neighborhood News ServiceThe New Bidding War for Teachers
Act 10 has opened door to bidding war and smaller, poorer districts losing out.
Sep 3rd, 2016 by State Sen. Kathleen VinehoutRonald Reagan Wasn’t a Ponzi Schemer
And Social Security isn’t a scam. Why Reagan supported and improved Social Security.
Sep 1st, 2016 by William L. Holahan and Charles O. Kroncke