
Op-Ed: Why Schools Are Abandoning Zero Tolerance

Why Schools Are Abandoning Zero Tolerance

Even the theory’s biggest promoter has. But what is the alternative?

Op-Ed: Will Some County Parks Be Closed?

Will Some County Parks Be Closed?

Survey from Abele administration offers this as possible solution. But why?

Op-Ed: Of Taco Trucks and Voter Education

Of Taco Trucks and Voter Education

Trump supporter warns of taco trucks on every corner; Latino leaders mobilize voters.

Op-Ed: The New Bidding War for Teachers

The New Bidding War for Teachers

Act 10 has opened door to bidding war and smaller, poorer districts losing out.

Op-Ed: Ronald Reagan Wasn’t a Ponzi Schemer

Ronald Reagan Wasn’t a Ponzi Schemer

And Social Security isn’t a scam. Why Reagan supported and improved Social Security.

Op Ed: Why Did State’s ACT Test Scores Plummet?
Op Ed

Why Did State’s ACT Test Scores Plummet?

Actually achievement hasn’t dropped. But we were never as good as we claimed.

Op Ed: Election Observers Are Welcome, But…
Op Ed

Election Observers Are Welcome, But…

They must follow the rules. And be aware, the burden's on the challenger to prove fraud.

Op-Ed: Is Sherman Park Still Burning?

Is Sherman Park Still Burning?

Yes, but not in the way you might think.

Op-Ed: State Should Lead on Student Loan Debt

State Should Lead on Student Loan Debt

Legislation would allow students to refinance debt, but Republicans side with Wall Street banks.

Op-Ed: City’s “Second-Class Citizens” Are Frustrated

City’s “Second-Class Citizens” Are Frustrated

As Ald. Rainey has argued, racism led to violent uprising.

Op-Ed: Schimel’s Southern Strategy on Voter Rights

Schimel’s Southern Strategy on Voter Rights

His “states rights” argument echoes segregationists like George Wallace, gets rejected.

Op-Ed: New Police Approach Could Help City

New Police Approach Could Help City

Problem solving policing used in Cincinnati could improve police-community relations.